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Notes from AIM ON AIR GGP interview - Havieron Update, ASX Listing and MRE Plans - 16 Aug 2023

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2023 5:51 pm
by DipSard
Notes from AIM ON AIR GGP interview - Havieron Update, ASX Listing and MRE Plans - 16 Aug 2023

Interview Link:

Havieron Update RNS: ... ry/wv9p6zr

Havieron 3d Model:

* Good morning you're watching Aim On Air we're specializing in connecting companies with its shareholders and what we do best [Music]. Hello and welcome back to Aim On Air, my name's Liam and today I'm pleased to be hosting Shaun Day from Greatland welcome back to the show Shaun
- hi Liam lovely to see you again and thanks for having me on the program it's always a pleasure

* Some RNS activity last week saw Byrnecut continue to work the decline and progressing as expected how far have they got now?
- yeah look we're 1840 meters vertically and about 2600 meters all up and that just shows all the stockpile and the overtaking Bays which are being put into the infrastructure
- and that will help us optimize and indeed maximize how much tonnage we can get up that decline ramp once it's under production and hit that or give us ourselves the ability to hit that three million ton per annum target
- so it's progressing well and I think also importantly we're through that second aquifer into good ground and you just see the speed of advancement really take off again as we get through that that more porous material and back into more competent ground

* Fabulous Newcrest last week restated their previous reserves from a year ago (note: for all assets and not just Havieron), will we now be taking the work on yourself as we've discussed on the show previously?
- yeah correct Liam, we'll undertake shareholders to get out our own updated mineral resource estimate, just as we did in March 2022
- so we think we're really well placed to do that work both from a technical and resourcing perspective and I think last time some months later Newcrest effectively endorsed that with a very similar upgrade (note: within 1%)
- we will go through the discipline of bringing in all the most recent drilling
- we will have it technically reviewed plus you know we'd like our joint venture partner to undertake a peer review
- we'll certainly share it with them before advance so there's a process from here but we are committed to getting that out to shareholders
- there's been some 80 000 meters of growth drilling since the last update, there's another some 30% of what's being drilled historically of growth drilling so we think that's really important for shareholders to understand
- although a lot of the technical work's already been done both with the site team and the team here so it is progressed but also that we understand you know Newcrest is going through a lot of changes
- they're being effectively taken over by scheme of arrangement by Newmont, you know that that team is completely changing, it's understandable that they are… have a lot of things on their plate and are distracted by getting that you know… finalizing that transaction
- so look we understand and respect why they haven't been able to hit that deadline that they had for themselves but we'll take it from here and I think to some extent I see it as an opportunity

* Great stuff thank you, there is a lot of things to juggle for you and the team now many of which are coming to fruition in the latter part of the year perhaps compressing into Q4, is there a preferred order to this happening or are you going to speak to the market as each one is appropriately ready for us?
- We'll effectively bring these to the market in the sequence that they happen as part of our continuous disclosure but look I think our guidance that we'd like to get a prospectus out around cross listing (ASX) to expand what we already have on the London Stock Exchange on the AIM and bring in an ASX cross listing as well
- you know we're very focused on getting that completed, ideally you know we'd have the mineral resource out as part of that
- that hasn't come to fruition… but that's all right, we'll continue to adapt and overcome and we'll think about the best approach to take for our shareholders and specifically at you know… our existing shareholders as to how we think we tackle that but we'll bring them out in in the sequence as to what they happen
- but my expectation is we'd like to update on that cross listing in the not too distant future

* Brilliant thank you lastly the 3D model has now been updated and it looks really impressive, are all the intercepts collated into this data now?
- yeah correct that has been updated right up I think for the June drilling so it is a really impressive model
- Michael and the resource geologist team have done a really great job with that
- I think for those who haven't looked at that it's really worth clicking on that link and it really just kind of walks through Havieron you know in a 3D model type way and you can spin it around and really kind of see the ore body come to life a bit
- and I think it really helps you understand the portions of the ore body that Southeast Crescent, that Northern Breccia and the big growth in the Eastern Breccia
- so it's a lot of fun to see it come together, it's a huge amount of effort and work but I think it's really worthwhile and hopefully people appreciate it

* Indeed it is we'll leave a link in the description below, thank you Shaun and thank you for being a guest on the show, any last words for your shareholders today?
- no thanks for your time Liam, I really appreciate it as always and to our shareholders, thank you very much for the support and I am looking forward to coming up to London
- I really need to… yeah we've undertaken to do that at the first opportunity, obviously we're somewhat restricted during this period but once we're out of those restrictions I'll be straight up there to engage which I'm looking forward to

* Looking forward to seeing you, sadly this is the end of the webcast ladies and gents, if you want to reach out to us you can contact us on Twitter with the addresses on the screen and before you close this page, I would be grateful of any thumbs UPS, until next time my name is Liam and you've been watching Aim On Air, we're specializing in connecting companies with shareholders it’s what we do best, thank you.

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