Two Hours to go.

All things Greatland Gold.
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Bottle Rocket - Liam
Posts: 341
Joined: Wed Jun 01, 2022 10:43 pm
Location: Somewhere

Two Hours to go.

Post by Bottle Rocket - Liam »

With just under two hours before our rooms open.

I just wanted to highlight a couple of things.

- Community Standards (written, and ratified by the beta team) please make yourself familiar with them, ( (off-topic has its own rules).

- How we set the tone today, will be the tone going forward. Please stay ON TOPIC - Hijacking threads is something that will not be allowed to happen, (basic netiquette, I know) if someone has started a topic, and is having a conversation about Gold, you cannot, and should not jump in, and ask them what they think about surfing in Cornwall for instance. (it is poor form) - the post will simply be deleted.

- For most, this is obvious, but please think about what you are writing. A condescending tone will not get you far, and sarcasm does not work on a screen. It can save a whole heap of hassle, due to some random miss understanding of how you wrote something.

There will be a feedback thread, at some point. if you have any ideas, please head down there, and drop us a line. we have the ability to make this space what we want it to be.

If you are going to post something that is likely to cause a stir, - I would suggest you carefully think about what you are going to say.
For instance "this is going down by 3p" will likely lead to a riot, but if you have some evidence to suggest it could happen, whilst some might disagree with you without question, others will be able to have a structured debate having reviewed the evidence published.

With everything, it is not what you say, it is how you say it.

Apart from that, Thank you for choosing to be part of our community, and welcome to our boards.
"One mine, three mining areas, a BEAST of an ore body" :!: