Shorters and a Must Watch

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Shorters and a Must Watch

Post by Hydrogen »

Morning all,

Ok … so what’s going on?

Jpm are trading. And they are still short. I can confirm this from the latest BBT print, which shows a 2m increase/ variation in their position.

These are the guys manipulating GGP imo. No question in my mind.

Ortex categorically only shows shares on loan. And not the exact no of shares sold or deployed short (due to reporting thresholds)

We’ll never know exactly how much was or was not deployed.

But, what I can say is this. Volume certainty does not support 100m being bought back in the past week or so. I conclude that a significant proportion of that 70m recently 'given back' does not appear to have been deployed into market.

Potentially, quite a lot could have been bought back, say circa 20m (?) on the big volume Monday. There were huge moves on both sides of the book.

BUT Maybe they were being loaned in the knowledge that it could be used as a scare tactic to psychologically bash pis (along with the discredit attacks and fake accounts on LSE)?

Or… alternatively, maybe a “planned event” for their full deployment was not realised. Ie some catastrophic price drop event, for example, on the back of a negative 5% outcome? This is all speculation. But it’s powerful.

Someone is hell bent on avoiding any price discovery event at GGP. That’s not just my view. I take comfort that it’s now widely reported in broker notes and the mining media.

That’s IMO why Sandeep couldn’t bring himself to mention Havieron at Denver. And obviously that makes him look a tad childish and rude in front of the World's media. And make no mistake, they are all watching. Closely.

Either way, it looks to me like the evidence suggests someone’s plan has either change, or their strategy thwarted, presumably by the arrival of TriBeCa and Wyloo and/or the 5% outcome..

Oopsie! Basically. Big big money is at stake here. And Shaun has PIs backs. And Havieron is another Olympic Dam scale deposit.

Holders be certain someone is playing very big games. And for a very big reason. Fortunately we have Day and Forest on our side.

If investing was easy money, everyone would do it. BUT it's not.

And The price discovery event is still dead ahead. IMO.

Your move Sandeep.
Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 09.04.39.png
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CK 1974
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Re: Shorters and a Must Watch

Post by CK 1974 »

Think I understand most of that hydrogen…thanks for trying to explain.
Have you got any idea who all these 10k 100k 200k (then after news the other day) a few million sells have been exercised by? All even numbers so doesn’t point to pi’s?
The only way I can rationally explain it to myself is someone that holds a lot of shares is just selling to keep the price low? Cos if they’re shorts selling then they’d have to buy them back a lot lower than 8’s? Plus there would be a lot more shorts deployed therefore an increase in shorts? (If that makes sense?)
Posts: 532
Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:24 am

Re: Shorters and a Must Watch

Post by Hydrogen »

Hi Ck - I can say that so Bloomberg Terminal does not identify any volume sellers in the past few months. (But there is a six week lag). There are no material changes since around May.

Any major selling is over ( imo ). There is some uncertainty in markets so it’s always possible we do have a seller

However as We are fully funded to production of a 3mt per annum mine, I find it unlikely. That’s a massive mine.

There’s one party however who might be keen to suppress the ggp price. They are trying to peddle fear and uncertainty via price (and all other available channels).

It’s all getting a bit Machiavellian.
A case of “Where there’s money there’s muck”, I’m afraid.

And it’s not TriBeCa or Wyloo.

I look forward to the above parties buying on market to take these Jpm muppets on.
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