Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

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Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Hydrogen »

So what's their game plan... What's the strategy. White Knight or Trojan Horse?
They seem to be strategically acquiring future facing metal deposits - eg Noront's Eagle Nest (nickel-copper-platinum-palladium) and Mincor Resources (Nickel) https://www.wyloometals.com/investments/

They made their name in Iron ore, working to consolidate the small juniors between Rio and BHP in the Pilbara.
And Liz Gaines famously transformed the company's fortunes as CEO.

But holy Poop... Someone just flagged to me :

£10k invested in Fortescue Metals FMV in 2003 would be worth £60m today.

A staggering, eye popping 167,500% growth.

That was then...

So is that their plan here, now ..? "Future facing metals..."
Could you imagine what that even looks like?

Is it all about copper nickel rare earths and PGM - for the green Hydrogen economy? If so, I like that, a lot.

If you're in any doubt, this 12 minute clip says it all : https://youtu.be/A0uWPJu4jCU

Gives you a sense of precisely what Andrew Forrest is all about 👍
Screenshot 2022-09-23 at 11.59.12.png
Last edited by Hydrogen on Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Ipad! »

They have a good look at all our stuff and obviously like what they see.
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Djingle »

I wasn't aware of Andrew Forrest until the GGP involvement.

I agree 100% with his views and it's refreshing to hear this from a global businessman. He thinks beyond individual governments. We have a world problem with climate change and ocean plastics - he's no tree hugger, he's a titan of industry and wants to make serious money, but not at the cost of his children and grandchildren.

Green iron ore is what will power the steel furnaces of the future. Green iron ore mining will be powered by green hydrogen and for that he needs the PMs. Hello GGP!

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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by RationalAssessor »

Thanks Hydro. Amazing how Fortescue have grown over the past 15 years. And of course, driven by a couple of our new BoD members.

Diagram below shows the share price of Shaun while at Northern Star, Jimmy holding a number of senior positions at BHP, Steve Barnaba in various positions at Fortescue and also Elizabeth at Fortescue in various positions.

Either they are very good at selecting which company to associate with or they know how to grow the share price.

Here's looking forward to our future.

BOD History.JPG
Last edited by RationalAssessor on Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Panama »

Given our Twiggy is hydrogen advocate...can he pretty please do something with ITM as my investment there has tanked to a third of my initial buy in :(
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Hydrogen »

Maybe he is, Panama, by creating a major market for electrolysers?
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Hydrogen »

Fascinating Our new investor Twiggy against seabed mining …. And pushes for green hydrogen

https://www.mining.com/web/australian-m ... ed-mining/
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Hydrogen »

Musk doesn't like H2 because he's not thinking big. Batteries don't work for really really big machinery like mine equipment or road trains.... they just dont have the energy density. Liquid fuels like hydrogen do.
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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Zelosdan »

Totally agree Hydro, look at Mitsubishi's system for Red Hydrogen. Japan has realised the solid expensive metal batteries cannot be sustained, in any way.
JCB have got it right as well, batteries totally useless at the moment.

Anyway all I know is, we still don't have any edges.

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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Zelosdan »

Further to the ridiculous future of EV's, the batteries being impossible to deliver in such numbers, especially by the 2030 ban on oil fuelled vehicles. The biggest problem being our ageing cables in the underground grid system, they cannot handle the enormous demand from vast numbers of EV's being charged up.
Also HM Gov, gets huge revenue from fuel, thus all I see, is that it is, a pie in the sky.
Maybe a big tax hike on our already expensive electricity?

Still no borders, our treasure is getting bigger & more valuable everyday.
How are the shorties, liking the Gold?

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Re: Wyloo - the bigger picture - Who is Andrew Forest? ...A bullet train Ahead of the curve

Post by Zelosdan »

Sorry, ban on the sale of oil fuelled vehicles, amounts to the same problem. Probably will be scrapped.
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