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Post by BIGG24 »

I’ve been in this share from the sub 2p days and have always been positive even after the drop back down to the sub 20s. Could somebody explain what the RNS means in real terms for us PIs?
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Post by speedymeadie »

Hi Bigg24. It means SD knows what to do to take GGP into a new higher level. The new BODs and investors are big hitters and are not here for fun but profits. The next few years will see a junior explorer changing into a mid/major mining co via J/Vs, asset purchases and M/A. It is my view that GGP will reward those that stay for the long haul.. ATB Speedy
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Post by zoros »

Bigg24 - I have copied and pasted from the LSE platform from JerrySpaniel who understands these things better than many of us. I am sure he won't mind me copying this here so that others are enlightened!


"...I will be voting in favour of all resolutions. The first two ensure that we have the required equity funding to access the debt. Some of the debt will be used to reduce the cost of the debt by paying off the expensive Newcrest debt, so surely everyone can see that is a good move.
Resolutions 3-5 broadly speaking take us back to where we were at the last AGM, so unless you voted against that, why would you vote against it now? It will ensure that GGP are nimble and flexible should any great deal pop up in the next two months. It will be renewed at the next AGM in early December, so you will have plenty of opportunity to question SD about that, in the weeks ahead.
For all those who say 'I wouldnt do that' etc, perhaps you should think what exactly you would do differently? I am reminded of those football phone ins where someone says 'I wouldnt play him'. Well who would you play? 'I dont know but not him'. If we dont have the flexibility plus the funding, SD wont be able to react positively to all and any event and NC will be able to ambush him with some nasties. Probably not surprising that SB is acting like a spoilt baby. He knows that SD is one (or probably two or three) steps ahead of him and SBs master plan isnt so masterful after all.
For those who whine about doing all these funding rounds at too low a price, maybe we should have done far more at 14.5p, when the same people were trotting out the same posts about too low a price? That obviously was prior to the 5% news, which was undoubtedly the best GGP news this year.
When I invest in a company, I invest in the management. If I dont like the management I dont invest in the company (Solgold has become an exception, though I have halved my investment there). So if you dont like where SD is taking this company, perhaps you shouldnt be invested. Voting against resolutions in any significant way, just shows a divided register. One that those who short can take advantage of. Big votes in favour show the opposite.
If you still vote against any resolutions, be sure of one thing - it will be a waste of your time and will have the opposite effect to the one you wish.
Lastly, its was an interesting exercise to calculate how many shares the PIs owned a few months back. What it also showed to me was how few shares the institutions owned. We need big institutional ownership going forward. PIs are flaky and driven by factors other than fundamental value. We should get a lot more instos in when we have the BFS, DTM and the ASX listing, which will either reduce the PI ownership or raise the price - preferably both.
SD is building a business, as Wyloo, the new directors and Tribeca have acknowledged. If you cant see that or dont want to be a part of it, then you should have exited when GH did..."

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Post by Acechaser »

Another great post by Jerry - he always says what I want to say; to the letter - tis a bit spooky sometimes.
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Post by jecsggp »

IMO, backing the resolutions proposed is the right strategy at the right time for a company with a bright future :). I'm just surprised that any serious investor in a company that's in GGPs position would think otherwise - my investing life has been plagued by those with thoughtless negatvity.
GGP holder for the longer term.
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Post by WhiteTiger »

Voted accordingly through Hargreaves Lansdown as unable to attend meeting at this time unfortunately.

Thank you to all who have offered support.

White Tiger :D
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Post by Scottishrugby »

WhiteTiger wrote: Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:38 am Voted accordingly through Hargreaves Lansdown as unable to attend meeting at this time unfortunately.

Thank you to all who have offered support.

White Tiger :D
I with HL also, how did you vote through them ?

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Post by badgerbeard »

Bottle Rocket-Liam has put a very easy to understand and follow" How to vote" header up about an hour ago

I'm with HL and found it clear and precise and easy to do thanks to Liams efforts.
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Post by poniexpress »

A great thread and good information. I have voted for all resolutions at the GM.
Its a pity that some Shorters wrong footed by SD,s great news seem to have decided to continue their shorts purely by playing the dilution card and employing the usual suspects to spread rumour and miss-truths as usual on the other board. They are playing their final card IMO to eke out their profits. Roll on the turn around.
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Post by Rotherby »

I'm with


a section of Halifax share dealing.

to vote you can instruct via web chat or by phone
For meeting on 7/10 they said today that I need to tell them by 3/10
With GGP for the long term, for my Children, Grand Children and the Great Grand Children, put simply the Tribe
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Post by archer1415 »

I am with ii and voted for all resolutions. I couldn't vote using the Android app you have to use a browser either on a PC or tablet. The voting mailbox is tucked away but with a bit of perseverance you'll find it.

1. Visit website and select Login
2. Open the ‘portfolio’ menu
3. Select ‘voting mailbox’ from the list.
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