Lets get this party started

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Lets get this party started

Post by P.I.Joe »

Well I must say, it's a clean slate, a fresh start for all.

The dawn of a new era for GGP investors. We are coming into a period where you need to make a very serious decision, do I buy, stick or do I fold?
The next 12 months will define for all of us what the consequence of that decision means. The next 12 months will be nothing like the last 12 months, infact, it could be like 2020 all over again.

The resource is getting bigger, the decline is progressing at speed now, the days to first ore are quickly reducing and the clock for those shorting is ticking.
IMO, we will see a new influx of PI, a rapid retreat of those on the wrong side of their position and a every present danger of an off the scale offer for all or part of GGP and an insatiable desire to be part of the largest gold find in the history of Australia.

A gold rush is coming, the Au/Cu price are going strato, everyone knows this, that will be synchronized with Haverion first ore, the players are taking their positions. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines, strap in, from now it's a one way ticket, you're on your way to the end of that rainbow.

The time is now or never, it's like Dec 2019 again, don't look this gift horse in the mouth again, once in a lifetime opportunities rarely give you a second chance, seize the moment for I believe this window is closing quickly.

"We have gold because we cannot trust governments."