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Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:46 am
by ManFromUruguay
Early 2018 me and a pal at my previous employer were both switching out of our DB Pension schemes to Hargreaves lansdown. I said being ultra careful I would leave most of mine in cash (!!) He got some share tips off another pal and one was Greatland. He put 10k in and within a couple of weeks had made 20% or so. FOMO kicked in so I boldly invested £1500 at 0.83p
Suffice to say that was just the beginning I was hooked. :lol: :roll:

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 2:57 pm
by Wash1
Been in GGP since about 2017/18 heard about it on solg page and had a small punt. Went all in in run up to eg results.
Sold up when newmont walked.
Basically got back what I put in. Which was not a lot but held over 600,000 shares and to me a lot of money.
Kept a small holding and unfortunately had a stroke end of November 2019 and couldn't remember my login details for my account so missed out on initial big rise from haverion discovery/ joint venture.
Once I got in I went all in again and currently hold just over 50,000 and am staying put for next two years.
Had my finger on sell button at 39p but didn't, wish I had now but heyho you live and learn.
Roll on £1.00 party.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:19 pm
by Midas Malc
Came across GGP as far back as 2010, when I started on my investing journey with just one share in my portfolio (Rockhopper Exploration), and reading the LSE message boards, a lot of people were mentioning the tremendous potential of a company that was exploring for gold on its 100% owned licences looking for big ore bodies, not 100,000 or even 500,000 ounce deposits, but in the millions of ounces - that company obviously being GGP. Over the years since then, I have amassed shares when the opportunity arose at a price as low as 0.18p, but mainly during the Newmont days regarding Ernest Giles, and continued buying even when Newmont walked. Then, obviously when Havieron was first discovered, up until the JV with Newcrest was announced and beyond, I have continued to build up my stake in GGP. If you believe in fate, and being in the right place at the right time, then finding such an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in and literally sitting on a gold mine, then you/we have found one! Despite the share price action being to the downside after such a phenomenal rise, I truly believe, as do many others invested, that our time will come. Good luck all Greatlanders! :D

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 10:10 am
by Eastender
I heard about it when I was in 88e- a long while back and I liked what was being mentioned re greatland gold. It was around 0.16 when I first started. The rest is history. It’s like we have grown up together from birth.

All the best to all shareholders

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:41 pm
by Brimvestor
I first heard about GGP in the wake of the shorting attack on Quindell which took place in 2014. Following incessant share price manipulation, assisted by LSE, a new troll-free website was set up known as BlueShare (is this resonating with anyone?). After a rough couple of years, Quindell got to the point of making a significant capital return and BlueShare members collectively found themselves sitting on significant funds looking for a home. One member, Nottsbaggie, suggested both Metal Tiger (which has had its own significant links to GGP, including persuading Gervaise to take up reins) and GGP.

I first tipped my toe in in April 16 @ 0.213p and by the time I decided to buy a few more 8 days later the price was already 0.3155p. I added more over time and reduced a bit after the Newmont saga. Overall I really liked the prospects and felt sure it would come good. Then in Nov 2019 I was diagnosed with a head and neck cancer and my perspective changed although I remained supremely confident in GGP, which by now had discovered Hav and Newcrest were on board. My treatment started on New Year’s Eve 2019, chemo then later followed by radiotherapy. They warned me it was going to be a tough treatment - it was, but I was fortunate that the fortunes of GGP started to improve as I moved alongside my treatment journey.

My course of treatment finished in April 20 and I remember coming out of my final radiotherapy session and checking the SP on my phone to see another decent uplift in the SP. Having had my entire portfolio underwater since that Quindell short attack in April 2014 my portfolio was now close to break even and by the end of the following week it was finally back in positive territory for the first time in 6 years. The side effects of my treatment if anything worsened in the immediate few weeks that followed the end of my treatment (let’s just say it was absolutely horrible) but the improving share price was an almost constant stream of satisfaction. Finally, with a good many of the side effects dissipating, I received the news in July 20 that I was clear of cancer. Obviously health trumps the financial gains made on this share but the ride up in the second half of 2020 made my recovery that much more pleasant and satisfying.

While the fall in SP since the start of 2021 has been uncomfortable, I had been lucky enough to take some shares off the table and recover my initial investment and take some profit, while still having what for me is a very decent holding. Then out of the blue, last week I was readmitted to hospital following a complication that is likely linked to the side effects of my treatment. It is not a return of my cancer though. I spent 3 days in hospital and I now appear to be on the mend. The remarkable thing though is that my stint at the hospital seems to be tied in with a significantly rising SP. Deja vu. I trust GGP to take care of itself now. I really don’t want to have to keep going back to hospital to get the SP up.


Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:12 pm
by HopefullyGold
Brimvestor wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:41 pm I first heard about GGP in the wake of the shorting attack on Quindell which took place in 2014. had its own significant links to GGP, including persuading Gervaise to take up reins) and GGP.

Hi Brimvestor, thank you for telling us your story. This puts things into perspective. Whilst on the lse BB I read simalar posts. "Taking my time" lost his wife and I know Bellers has a poorly partner. I am in contact with a few others that have had bereavements. I wish you well and hopefully we'll see the day when the first ore is mined from Havieron. It will be quite a celebration for me if we still hold our 25% of it then.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 9:50 pm
by Bottle Rocket - Liam
Brimvestor wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 8:41 pm ...
Thank you for sharing.
Much love Brim. Much love.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:04 pm
by Ugknee
I heard about this platform from>ShareChat

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:04 am
by jecsggp
It was a purely chance find through random research when I stumbled on those '#GGP' twitter dicussions. I was convinced by that first, excellent drill assay result so bought my first tranche of shares. Added (up to SP 5p) as new assay results confirmed the find (at least to me) and it only got better. Always thought it would finish up as 25% of 18-24m ounces with the low cost of the Telfer situation after the Newcrest agreement. That took away most of the uncertainty that could be caused by variable, volatile gold prices - and the maths was appealing. I only ever invest (or trade) money I can afford to lose and always in ISAs. :D

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 8:48 am
by College Yard
With GGP I had an email out of the blue from Steve Todoruk in late 2019. Most other shares I hear about by chance and have a look out of curiosity. It's usually worth a minute or so looking at what other people are invested in - especially if it's something you haven't heard of. As many as 99 times out of 100 it's not for you - but it's not time wasted because after a while it becomes second nature to pick up on 'bad signs' quickly.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 9:00 am
by Spondy
Ugknee wrote: Wed Jul 27, 2022 10:04 pm I heard about this platform from>ShareChat
Looking forward to some enlightening share chat I headed over to but was slightly disappointed to find is the domain of Landscaping Supplies Direct!

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 9:23 am
by Spondy
I first heard about Greatland Gold when Interactive Investor contributor John Burford made it the subject of his Chart Of The Week in May 2021. ... y-ii520170

"The last part of the recipe is extremely important for my trading/investing style. I will not tolerate a lengthy period where prices drift against me for days on end after entry. My trades must move in my favour pretty much right away. That way, I have the luxury of being able to move stops to reduce my potential loss on a reversal or even eliminate it.

Remember, stocks are not meant to be married! When they stop performing, love them and then leave them. At the current 21p, I am bullish for a punt (this is a penny stock, after all!) and only a move down below the 18p area would send me back to the drawing board. My first major target is the 28p area and then the old high at 38p with higher potential."

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2022 3:19 pm
by edmomike44
Until 2020 my investment strategy had been ultra conservative and I had begun investing in AIM stocks, with some net success. I had also invested in some major mining stocks but then was happy enough, initially, to take on greater risk. GGP I found looking at HL's list of shares on their AIM overview. Further research intrigued me and in particular I liked their relative lower risk profile and their leadership. I bought in in Nov 2020 and had not at that stage envisaged investing for more than a year. Suffice it to say that I got that wrong! But I have also rethought my strategy in the light of the experiences of the last year and a half and the significant downturn in markets generally. I have now sold out of most of my more liquid shares and reinvested it all in GGP. This time with a 5-year+ timeframe. We now have 1m plus shares and 50% of these are quite a bit underwater. I am 78 years old and am sufficiently confident in the current situation. (Excepting perhaps the figure in the cowl, with the scythe)

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 7:17 pm
by Acechaser
Jim you in oz or uk I grew up in newman; live uk now saw article in times about newcrest tie up and said gotta have some of that.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2022 8:47 pm
by Harry jacobson
Like Clive, in Bacanora and saw what others invested in. Saw GGP investigated and invested. Kept adding no regrets.