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Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:47 pm
by @Mottster
Hydrogen, not about the shorting (this I see as an accepted part of investing and happens in many shares), the disrupting the voting (assuming this is by “illegal” terms.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 12:58 am
by Redirons
Agree with everything that everyone has says about your post Hydro (especially Maximus for me) but I continue to post on LSE which is like pushing water uphill most of the time but there are still a lot of PI’s on there that don’t seem to have transitioned over here, so anything that can ensure they hear the importance of voting (hopefully in the positive if they saw/heard Shaun in action this week) then every vote could be valuable. Thanks Hydro.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:54 am
by Hydrogen
@Mottster wrote: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:47 pm Hydrogen, not about the shorting (this I see as an accepted part of investing and happens in many shares), the disrupting the voting (assuming this is by “illegal” terms.
Hi Mottster
Using either bought or borrowed shares to vote, in large numbers against a resolution, isn't illegal to my knowledge.
It's tactical.
But with a very high PI turnout it will be easily overcome.
What will be interesting to me will be the number of votes against resolutions 1 and 2.
It may be indicative of the 3-5% of possible 'missing in action' shares from the register vs Bloomberg terminal, that I indicated around 1 year ago.
That will be very telling. We shall see.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 11:12 am
by @Mottster
Thanks Hydro
Based on this Callum and Starvest will more than cover this tactic.
I am also assuming that passive funds will not be voting, I.e ETFs, only active funds. Willem M appears to be in based on his recent interview.
Anyhow, nothing I/we can do now other than wait for Friday and hope for an exciting 2023.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:23 am
by Maltster
Just instructed HL to vote in favour of all resolutions in respect of my 1.628m shares. Awaiting their confirmation message.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 10:43 am
by Aiming2please
I did through HL, it might take a couple of days to get confirmation.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2022 12:24 pm
by Pistonbroke
Vote sent via HL this morning, took me a couple of minutes, very easy. :)

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 11:21 am
by Maltster
HL confirmed that my instructions received and votes will be cast.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 2:37 pm
by poniexpress
I voted as soon as I could on HL and IG in favour of all resolutions and received confirmations.
It is essential that Hydrogens advice is taken and a resounding favorable vote on resolutions 1 and 2 will give SD so much power if needed relating to takeover attempts and other possibilities that could arise.. A fully funded GGP will be so much stronger than one with no financial backing.
I personally feel a straightforward takeover attempt will not happen and agree with Hydrogen it is now unlikely.
However we come back to things that have happened with no suitable explanations forward.
But, tongue in cheek, could it be possible that NCM are planning to sell their 70% of Havieron to a rival company Even Rio?
NCM suffered a retrograde step in free cash flow (expected with all their commitments in FY22 and with further ongoing large commitments in 2023) (ref Newcrest Annual Report 23/6/22 page 19-23 and onwards). The impact initially partly offset by the purchase of Brucejack from Pretorium with a further larger contributions from Brucejack expected in 2023 to further offset a possible increase in Debt Gearing for NCM in 2023. If Brucejack generates huge incomes for NCM quickly does it give NCM the option of profiting from their Joint Venture with GGP at our expense? It has been noted that NCM SB seemed to have cooled its sentiment in Havieron in its reports etc this year. In my opinion this type of thing is highly unlikely to happen but it is essential that SD is armored for any such unlikely event by being fully funded to the hilt. This IMO is why it is so important to have a positive Vote.
Imagine at the forthcoming meeting with SB the impact if such an event was disclosed if SD had no power to fight for us.Lets hope all goes well with positive talks relating to the Exploration Success,Feasability Study and the future Decision to Mine ending in Havieron ore being tolled at Telfer with no nasty surprises.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 7:35 am
by Adrianjuk
Voted all Yes across SIPP and ISA on 22 Sept with HL. I asked for proof yesterday by secure message and the gave me my DX number.
Shaun really deserves our backing after his superb master plan came to fruition. He's a tactical genius IMO.