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Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 9:59 am
by Daverec
A work colleague, who posted under various aliases including "servant of Allah" and was a bit of a nutter, got me into BMR (nightmare), then into MTR (still TBC) and then morphed into GGP which has already more than make up for the past failures. This was at the EG time and been holding steady ever since.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:08 am
by Steveharris52
Was fortunate really. Had invested in Solomon Gold, and through a comment, became interested in GGP. Liked what I saw and have steadily accumulated 1.2m shares. Although disappointing at present, still confident for a significant increase, if not this year, surely next. GLA, and thanks for setting this (significantly more sensible) forum.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:28 am
by Sploshpot
I found GGP during the first lockdown, only wish I had more spare cash to buy more shares at the time.


Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:33 am
by Maltster
Via a serial ramper called Stubbsy on the Mariana Resources board. Waited a while until I first bought at 0.0045p. Could have bought at 0.0011 p. Currently hold 1.588m

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:41 am
by Ruprah
First post and to answer the question.... Ironically through LSE in 2019 !
Was invested in another share and started reading the GGP BB and mainly down to posts by Paddygal etc .. then Invested
Best Rup

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:47 am
by Fangio
A friend of mine at work mentioned it…. I bought £500 at 12p (the old 12p, not the new one! :lol: ) I then started to research properly and they are now my main investment in my portfolio. GLA

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:55 am
by TooL8M8
A "victim" of the SXX disaster, but came across GGP on that forum. Moved the remains of my SXX stake into this in 2017 and was richly rewarded.
Looking forward to the next couple of years here with absolute confidence (hope that isn't ramping!).

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:10 am
by Headintheclouds
I was in Ariana Resources and it was I think someone called Applegarth or something like that said don't waste you're time here GGP is where the real action is. Took a look and eventually took the plunge pre Newmont @ .0055p been on the roller coaster that is GGP ever since. Been here a long time and averaged up along the way don't post I've got nothing of real value to add there are much more knowledgeable people on here than me, But I do look and read the boards that were iii, Lse and now here so I think I can call myself a LTH.

GLA Andy

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:14 am
by Gumbie
As a lockdown investor I saw it in the risers of the week in march 2020, started slowly at 7p and then a house sale from a went though so I started added more at 12pence all the way to 33p and back down. Just shy of 300k, jealous of those 1m holders from the pre 2020 days!

Held throughout thanks to the old board in 2020 and then telegram group and paddy sat.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 11:54 am
by Greg3383
My introduction to GGP was over 4 years ago, when we were at about 1.2p. It was recommended by TomE at the time, and I was even further encouraged to buy more subsequent to that by him and other very knowledgeable LTHs. Great advice and still building a larger holding.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:02 pm
by beside the sea
Took a punt on some small AIM stocks in June 2017 with some funds not doing anything in bank accounts.
GGP price was £0.006189! No research but best punt ever!
Added since thanks to reading great posers on LSE board.

PS Others went to the wall but this made up for them all.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:03 pm
Was researching a couple of shares and came across GGP early 2020. Applying the rule of "it's big, and keeps getting bigger" l bought in and have added along the way.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:21 pm
by Scottishrugby
Good afternoon all, I only ever posted once on lSE but got fed up with all the fighting on there. I first heard of GGP through Pistonheads about a year and a half ago. While working from home during lockdown I started my first ISA etc so was reading the finance page a lot.

I also found an old pension that i had forgot about so transferred that to a SIPP and put the whole lot into GGP not massive amounts like others but enough for myself. I have 89,000 at 17p. Quite high but i see this as a long term hold.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:45 pm
by Harry jacobson
In the daily telegraph way back in 2016 I think. Wish I had gone all in at that point, but didn't, just a sizeable sum.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:49 pm
by Habari65
I heard from a work colleague in 2017. He had accumulated about 5m shares and was very confident in the future of GGP, unfortunately he got nervous when Newmont walked and sold soon after when it went to 2.5p. Still kicking himself today.
So in times like these I have to remind I want to be the guy kicking himself when this turns.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:40 pm
by paddygall
I first heard about it on the PMO board back in 2017. I got a bit sucked in with the excitement of the Newmont JV at Ernst Giles and took a reasonable amount at around 2p. When Newmont walked and we dropped I listened to the interview with GH and could hear the disbelief in his voice. I took a calculated gamble over the following months and bought a lot more shares as the price collapsed to about 0.6p. I kept buying all through that summer and when the infamous nuggets at BlackHills were discovered the SP recovered but I kept on buying every month in my SIPP and ISA.

When HAD001 and then HAD005 were discovered it was just a matter of patience and time, both myself and my wife and kids have built up a very good position in GGP and having researched it to death over the past 5 years we won't be getting shaken from this position very easily.

People have taken my catchphrase of "sitting on my hands" literally but I never advised anyone to do this - it's my course of action that I am comfortable with (although my wife's not quite as understanding or patient) and not meant as advice so please everyone DYOR and take whatever course of action you decide suits your risk profile the best.

GLA - Paddy

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:45 pm
by therealengineer
During first stages of covid I was in a hotel meeting room as we could no longer go to the office in another country. I was watching my shares and continuing to see them fall. I was looking for something else that would hold.

I saw mention of ggp on another board and telfer being nearby. I think paddygall had posted satellite pictures of the infrastructure. I thought that will save billions ( or hundreds of millions) in investment. No plant, no accommodation , no air strip etc. to build. I bought at 4p. It promptly fell to 3p😂. I bought more.

It went up I continued buying( highest purchase at 32p after dip from 37p) It fell I continued buying. I am now a little underwater on this but suspect this will not last long and add monthly now.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 1:58 pm
by WhiteTiger
Came across GGP in 2017 looking for Junior explorers/miners and saw a mentioned on the site that shall not be named. Purchased my first batch, then Newmont disbanded a short time after and I thought, well that's another Junior I have just lost too, but held at a significant loss, then came Newcrest, I added and have done so ever since when possible.

I can't remember which post I read that got my attention, I do always remember Paddygall from the start,😁 I did some research with the limited knowledge I had/have and am happy to be a long term holder.

Thanks to everyone for sharing the wealth of knowledge, it has kept me upbeat in these last 18 month particularly.

White Tiger

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 3:10 pm
by kevman72
Recommended by someone on LSE when SXX investors were being shafted. Really wish i remembered who that person was but pretty sure it was more than one person recommending GGP, forever grateful.

Re: How did you hear about #GGP

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 4:29 pm
by Minty East-Ender
Was 'encouraged' to buy GGP/Karelian/Thor and a few others by the guys at Hume Capital back 7/8 or so years ago.
I wasn't very interested/fan of miners etc as had more of an interest in another share that they also managed.
However I went on a gamble and made a significant increase in profits whilst 'trading' through the brokers.
That brokerage got taken over then went into administration which was a farce, but I retained GGp and a few other shares.
Just after the Newmont farce, I dived in again and a few times after during dips, so still in good stead.
GGP is the only share I have retained since those days and don't intend to sell any until a realistic price met.