Deal done - and set to release

All things Greatland Gold.
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Re: Deal done - and set to release

Post by Scottishrugby »

Good morning All,

I do not post very often but i do read this board every day and signed up as soon as it was launched to better understand GGP and the mining sector.

I have been invested here since the start of 2022 when I started a SIPP and put an old pension solely into this with a price of 17p. I always saw this as long term investment ( 15 years till I 65 ) so was not too worried at the price dropping over the last couple of years. I understand the that the dillution is fairly large but surely we now own 100% HAV plus Telfer plus various JV's and licenses. We will shortly be an actual gold producer shortly also.

Since yesterday I have heard mostly doom and gloom but surely this is just another step up the ladder to the company growing and growing or am I missing something ?

I personally think this is fantastic news.
Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2022 8:07 pm

Re: Deal done - and set to release

Post by leslieby101 »

Cheers Hydro, after watching Liam & Stu discussion last night and reading a rather pissed Charles Archer blog update, I have to say I'm now exceedingly happy and certainly more understood of the position.

As Charles says - it's f*cking steal!!!
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Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:24 am

Re: Deal done - and set to release

Post by Hydrogen »

We need two things to go our way.

1) the gold price needs to keep rising - essentially in part we are now quite a high beta leveraged gold producer. Remeber how much lower grade material can be mined, from Havieron and Telfer, if the price is profitable.

2) Management Execution - ie no operational F**k ups - Shaun needs to deliver increased, but cheaper safer production at Telfer. He needs to promptly explore and develop new zones at Telfer that Newcrest passed over for whatever reason. The build at Havieron must be executed without any major missteps (which being a well organised Australian outfit, they should)
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