Mining Plan

Mine, and decline specific questions - Opens in July
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Lennie »

A conveyor or a train .. if as they suggested running Telfer for 2 weeks then 2 weeks maintenance .. then the train would be a better option, I think. And even if they went to 10mt a train could cope . It is all down to cost I would imagine.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Bamps21 »

Last edited by Bamps21 on Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Hydrogen »


The current mine plan was in part designed by Newcrest to crush GGPs Sp.

Is there any significant reason why a conveyor and crusher cannot be located at shallower level than you say? Ie 900m depth to better serve the SLOS?

Mine trucks can also drive up to a crusher from
Lower levels I think. The Sprott note clearly suggest a shaft or conveyor to get 8-9 mt from SLOS - so are you suggesting this is just a Sprott fantasy?

Further, given the scale of Havieron a 2nd deeper level crusher (dedicated to Eastern breccias) could be installed later, could it not?

Pretty sure Iron ore gets trucked economically 100miles plus - ie very large distances - before being transferred to rail/ sea
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Bamps21 »

Last edited by Bamps21 on Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Hydrogen »


TBF - I'm Not sure you are fully appreciating the ambition that Shaun has and the leverage that the current mine plan offers him financially if managed prudently.

As already demonstrated, Hav CAPEX was raised by Shaun - and further capex can also be raised to rapidly increase production. Shaun raised $220m based on GGPs minority 30%. Thus - he can probably scale that to raise 3-4 possibly 5 x that given GGP would now own 100% of the asset (banks prefer to lend based on 100% ownership)

Regarding volumes. up to 3mt more or less out of the decline - yes.

IN Australia they use road trains to move Iron ore vast distances on a regular basis in a profitable way. 170 tonne road train can move $18,700 worth of Iron ore cargo vast distances by road (from smaller Iron ore mines to Port Headland 100s of Km away along side the major Rio Railway)

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 09.27.15.png

It's therefore possible to shift 6MT, ie around 130 truck journeys per day, from Havieron, with each return Road Train trip taking about 2.5 to 3 hours running 24/7 one train can make up to 8 return trips running 24 hours (so in principle approx 15 road trains can move 5-6mt to Telfer. Each cargo would be 120 to 170 tonnes depending on 3 trailer or 4 trailer at 4g+ is over 18 oz of gold per load or $40,000 worth of gold per load - ie fully viable financially.

It's not the most efficient but it's possible . And with automation it's even more possible.
Last edited by Hydrogen on Mon Mar 25, 2024 5:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Bamps21 »

Last edited by Bamps21 on Thu Mar 28, 2024 7:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Hydrogen »

There seems to be a misunderstanding Bamps :

To clarify :

I'm not at any point suggesting 'dropping a block cave in next door to a working SLOS mine' - If you read my posts again, I suggest 'dropping a PFS/DFS' to achieve maximum value, addressing the future mining opportunities, in the correct zones. Further - All broker reports suggest bulk mining was to commence in 2027-28-29 ( I recall ). Since when were you qualified to design the mine?

But my point (and where we appear to vasty differ) is that you believe the SLOS cannot producer more than 3mt. However I have had conversations with relevant experienced people with direct knowledge who say it is 100% viable to significantly increase the volumes of the SLOS, beyond 3mt - that is all!! .

IMO Shaun's personal view categorically informed Sprott's note. Shaun may of course be wrong, in his understanding of the deposit. But tell me - Since when do you know more about this situation, than him? Or the various professional analysts at Sprott Capital Partners (whom Shaun welcomed their research)? How many times have you sat down face to face, for several hours at a time, and discussed the plans in detail with Shaun?

Or have you just asked questions in front of a group at the Town Hall?

I always have suggested it was possible to increase the 3mt to 6mt+ with either a conveyor or Haul shaft (blind bore haul shaft being my favoured option) to build a mine that can produce 6-8 mt to the surface from the SLOS mine. I didn't make that up. Olympic dam is a 10mt SLOS mine.

The conversation about Volvo haul trucks are superfluous to an expanded SLOS mine. There is always a way to move than 3MT to Telfer - with more Road Trains,.

To my knowledge, you have not seen fit to dispute this point, previously - so why suddenly start today? Did you get upset about something or sell up?

It's true that we don't yet know whether it is feasible or not to build a block cave or a sub level cave in Eastern Breccia. That is speculation. However, I'm sure that Shaun has a very good idea. The point of my post was to highlight that as soon as he knows, for sure, he will most likely release the information to market in the form of a PFS or scoping study document - and to try to explain the fact that to date we have been a minority partner which has held us back and his clear ambition.

Such a document does not affect the development of the SLOS mine. Further from Shaun’s comments a smaller sub level cave (rather than full block cave) in the Eastern Breccia seems more likely anyhow.

And if you say I'm talking nonsense that is your opinion.
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Re: Mining Plan

Post by Hydrogen » ... 0Forum.pdf

Bamps this diagram on slide 4 from Newcrest’s own presentation materials would appear to illustrate exactly what I was suggesting (and what you said was not possible?)

I quote “How do you carry out a bulk mine drop right next to a stoping operation. That’s totally unsafe and unviable”.


A sub level cave directly adjacent to, and also deep beneath another large scale mining operation in this case the bottom a deep open pit - which categorically indicates close lateral proximity mining (or a proximal ore body /
- such as our Eastern breccia).

Given the Eastern breccia doesn’t get started until around 1200 m depth there’s almost 1 vertical km between the mining fronts - until the last few years of the SLOS surely 15 odd years away.

Shaun has never indicated to me that the two operations would have to be sequentially operated. Mining fronts are mines typically and often operated simultaneously and concurrently.

I’m really not sure you’re in a position to rule this out. Im sure I can provide more specific examples with research (if you require).
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