Midland Meets. update and area expanded

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Midland Meets. update and area expanded

Post by Rotherby »

I now have produced a map of where the shareholder interest is for meets at the pub near Derby.

Next meet 1pm next Saturday 14 December, quite a few attendees have said they will be eating before the meet. (There is still a few spaces if anyone is interested)

I think that the news etc will continue well into the new year, seeing the current distribution, in 2025 of arranging possible different locations.

To the North somewhere along the M62 corridor

To the South somewhere along the M6 corridor (Birmingham)

To the West somewhere along the M6 corridor (maybe near Stoke on Trent)

If you are interested please drop me an email, ggpmidsmeets@gmail.com,
Please include a location so I can map your location, your preference of Evening or Weekend meeting, and if you know of a pub that can hold about 20 persons (for free) in a dedicated area or a room, then please let me have the details.
Red marker is Dec Meet location
Red marker is Dec Meet location
With GGP for the long term, for my Children, Grand Children and the Great Grand Children, put simply the Tribe