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Useful Valmin Code and FMV Valuation Information

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 12:17 pm
by DipSard
Below are links to assist those wishing to learn more about the Valmin Code which is more a guiding set of principles akin to the JORC Code rather than a strict format for valuations.
- A YouTube presentation with great information on both the Code and application of it, worth watching the full hour. ... r_2016.pdf
- Link to download some presentation slides that are a good reference to get an overview of the Valmin Code and a bit on the 'Reasonable Test' towards the end, those particular slides are weighted towards one, not all three of the valuation approaches contained within the Valmin Code. ... +Valuation
- Here are some files I have collated, you can download the Valmin Code and related docs referred to in the guidance material plus a Valuation example conducted by SRK. The Kharmagtai valuation was commissioned and completed within two months.
- The folder also contains both a summary and a synopsis I have pulled together from the SRK document to understand how the code was applied in this instance by SRK.
- The overall valuation is well over 100 pages long, so quite a lengthy read and the Summary and Synopsis can be used to understand the key information and methodology used as oppose to reading the entire valuation.

Links to assist with understanding MRE's: