Plan showing location of 8 targets
Re: Pascalle
New licence applied for I believe, contains the regional structure to the NE of Pascalle
Re: Pascalle
Top image is an overlay of the new licence applied for.
The lower image are Wishbones licences,
They have a really tiny licence close to Pascalle western border
Re: Pascalle
You can see the Rio licence sandwiched between Havieron and Pascalle.
Rudall in green to the SE had a Fortesque licence to the SW of it , a very long thin licence.
I have looked to see what they were doing exploration wise and I can tell you it’s very hard to find anything about that licence, only that they were there last year exploring not drilling.
A jv with them may not give us much info, thank heavens for NCM.
Shaun’s been talking about others wanting their help on nearby licences is this one of them.
Re: Pascalle
Antipa’s gold target Triangle just to the north of the new application by Pascalle
Re: Pascalle
She had a look and said all she could see were pads and tracks across the border on the next licence.
That must be NCM activity around the Ironclad target.
That’s good cos Ggp will need access to Pascalle
Re: Pascalle
The Last brown field exploration I could find was back in September 2021 as seen in one of those slides
Re: Pascalle
11th Nov 2020 pads appeared for the first time - if our Pascalle tenement looks like T-Rex heading west it was between it's teensie weensie legs, across the tenement border.
First activity on the 21st of the same month at the northern most of the four pads.
By the 1st Dec they were active on three of the four pads.
Presume they were gone by Christmas but that is hard to tell, there are some cloudy images during the festive period
First activity on the 21st of the same month at the northern most of the four pads.
By the 1st Dec they were active on three of the four pads.
Presume they were gone by Christmas but that is hard to tell, there are some cloudy images during the festive period
Read on, the next poster will cover it all better....
Re: Pascalle
Note Pascalle sat right next to that NW trend line that Mammoth and Telfer are on.
The old owners only did shallow drills and gave up, Ggp thinking is they didn’t go deep enough.
You can see what depth their looking at Mammoth