This guy is obviously - when it comes to GGP - either clueless or his article is deliberately littered with factual inaccuracies. Ie a fraudulent hatchet job… It’s one or the other…IMO
Hmmm…? Is a short in trouble somewhere? well i suppose 88m is quite a gamble.
The article is unprofessional, littered with mistakes and factual inaccuracies… TBF John Conford makes motley fool look well researched. ( not sure how he managed that).
Turns out it appears he’s also either an avid reader over on ADVFN (or an actual ggp poster) by the name of “lurker5” 24 Jul '22 - 09:24 who wrote a very similar, rambling account using all the same numbers (??) so copycat or FUDster?
“ lurker5… “ Sounds odd really, doesn’t it?
A quick pass of Confield’s work suggests he’s not fantastically talented either, though he claims to have “saved investors from SXX” (where have we heard that line??) but of course it’s an unverified claim. All he had to do was evidence a link to his article... And then goes on to confirm SXX is nothing like GGP anyhow?!?!. So why make that link then? Agenda?
And most interesting, his favourite tip for mining developer is Solgold (down another 4% today to 22.5p. Maybe he should apply his own >10 years = 0 NPV rules to Cascabel…? Should it be ascribed ‘zero NpV’ value because it won’t produce for another 8-10 years? Of course not. And that’s, if they can get the funding? The funding hurdle is so huge 5x Mcap… I personally think SOlg shareholders are in trouble … unless a bidding war erupts - which it may. All BHP need to do is sit it out…
Very different situation at Telfer. As we full well know.
You can tell it’s a hatchet job. Here’s why;
It’s all in the ‘twisted ‘ facts .. especially the verifiable published ones: eg we’re actually 18months from Production ( not 3 years as he states) Hav production is slated at H1 2024, I recall?.
That’s obviously part of ggps premium valuation versus, say Cornfords other tip solgold, for example, which is languishing at 23.5p today (not far off 5 year lows by the looks) and a long way from his 40p target for good reason:
That’s because owning 100% of cascabel is awfully problematic, being so far from infrastructure, it's super-expensive development is many miles from any production too. In fact there is no clear road to development (let alone production),… and accordingly, I gather solg just failed in a major capital equity raise this past week or so (double check the RNS - but that’s the rumour, I heard )
So given the big picture over there, his judgement leaves you… thinking, hmmm? He’s suggesting investors should be sat in solg for how long? Indefinitely? Discovered in 2014, and yet they only just released a PFS…. Hmmm? Okay.
As we know, The Hav PFS (released 2 years from farm in ) is based on just a fraction of Havieron. The pfs numbers focused on a 2mt per year starter mine.
But that’s not going to feed Telfer is it? No way.
Telfer’s ore train nameplate capacity is 2x 11mt or 22mt per annum. Now we know one of Telfers two trains is to be dedicated to Havieron - with a nameplate capacity of 6mt (this is probably metallurgical and due to the higher Hav head grade)
Newcrest are not going to run 2mt of Havieron high grade through Telfer (when it can handle 6mt are they?). Nope! No chance. So something suggests they see a much bigger operation.
They will if course find and design a way to produced more than 2-3mt (but that wasn’t possible whilst they wanted to value the 5% as cheap as possible ). Cornford doesn’t even realise that it’s not an ‘option’ that GGP can decline, thus the motivation to acquire it cheap as possible is palpable.
Now that the 5% is almost sorted the upcoming December quarter DFS should upgrade Havieron production to between 3-6mt.
FYI (Assumes 90% recovery)
3mt at 3.6g/t is c315k oz production.
But 4Mt @3.6g/t = 418koz
5mt @ 3.6g/t = 522koz
6mt @3.6g/t = 627koz
See how quick they could step it up…. Because they will. With 1.5mt haul shafts IMO…. 6mt was mentioned early by Hannam and partners, for a reason. That’s what was discussed with GGP, before the 5% JV clause was modified.
There’s also the large, but very efficient, compact footprint, relatively high grade orebody. Bamps has repeatedly observed the highest grade is concentrated especially near the top 100m where 3-7gt will be the first development ore and early production stopes (cuts) in the best material.
Further Hav is quickly scalable beyond the PFS’ 2-3mt from the existing exploration decline. This can be achieved with the addition of a 2-3m diameter haul shaft, or, a 2nd conveyor decline - which will more probably serve the (bulk) block cave mining.
These facts are not lost on NCM. And that is why they have been careful not to talk it up.
But think about it : a mine running at Telfer’s “Havieron ore train” 6mt name plate full capacity would exhaust Havieron in 4-5 years.
But NCM are not doing this for 9 or 4-5 years. No way…. They are looking for 20 maybe another 50 years, (as they got from Telfer). Which is still on its last legs but still produced 400koz annually (albeit expensively due to v low sub 0.85g/t grades) after 45years and 18moz since 1st production in 1978.
John Conford inexplicably suggests the mine will suddenly cost 27% more ( $100m ) when we have been told by ncm 30% will cost $73m so in fact 25% will cost even less. He basically appears to adds $40-50m in liabilities by assuming all the $ 50m loan is also 100% spent.
There are so many holes and inaccuracies contained with this so obviously, an agenda led piece one has to be left questioning the author’s motives.
Further, I’ve never heard of “master investor” but certainly not a masterful article… Especially if they post the same content on AVDFN - that makes them look a long way from balanced or impartial.
Maybe go check him out for yourselves: ... _poster=on