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BR. Drama Queen, Over Loaded, or an Over Loaded Drama Queen.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:18 am
by Bottle Rocket - Liam
I am sure you are aware by now, that I have been laying low for a few days, The number of messages here, and on telegram have all been so supportive and comforting, and for those I thank you.

It is important, to learn lessons from things, as we go through these moments in life, and this week was certainly one of those low points that have needed some serious reflection.

So what happened?
Well, we have some people on telegram that have a view on the world very different to my own, it often leads to fractious conversations that get heated, there comes a point where as admin you just want to kick them out, but here is the moral problem, you can't just boot someone from a community for not seeing things your way, The moral compass gets spinning, and my circuits go into overload, There is what I want to do, what I should do, and what the right thing to do is, ultimately this leads to a very rare moment in life where I genuinely got angry (mostly at myself) and threw my toys across the room and stormed off like a toddler. never coming back to this again. (Drama Lama!)

Well skip the intervention, but leads me to this post. Like any storm, once the clouds have lifted the air is clear and one can process things from a very different point of view. with clarity.

With this clarity, I can say that I miss the community, being away from the Telegram chat has been so hard, this share has become my life, I love what we have built here, and on Telegram, but I know to go back to it some things need to change, I have already begun work behind the scenes. We now have a series of measures in place that means I no longer carry the burden of being a Judge, Jury and Executioner, and the entire set of standards on Telegram have been re-written, this includes measures to ensure that an Admin (me) has oversight, and cannot unjustly act inappropriately.

My "time out" has been productive, to say the least, one of the things that did catch my eye was John Cornford's post this week, It certainly got my attention, and having read it three times it is clear that he has no idea what he is writing about. although having a platform to publish to means he gets heard, and will likely get listened to by some people who are led by sites like that. But this got me thinking. - Why not present our own articles? 1100 members here, we must have some fantastic writers, researchers, and people who are able to articulate very well. we will have our own section for these to be published, and going forward, can be published to.

So. My next post. will be about a competition I am running. "My outlook on Greatland Gold". This is for all of those informed posters and budding journalists that we have on the various boards.

I am embarrassed for throwing my toys, and it should never have happened, but we are where we are, and the only way is forward.