Why didn’t NCM take 5%
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:51 am
Why didn’t NCM take the 5%?
I’m baffled why they didn’t.
They must have gambled on them winning the independent value being in their favour and missed the chance to accept Shaun’s $85m.
Must be kicking themselves.
If you look at the Sprott note they quote a figure of $276/oz in the ground
On the reserves alone the value comes to around $42m.
This can be the only reason not to take the 5% for $60m.
Their hurdle of 15x the initial investment fell short.
If you look at it another way
$1800 gold price less $1000 AISC (for clarity)
160,000oz 5% ore reserves = $128m revenues
$60m x 15 =$900m
That seems a bit short sighted to me, if it had been a green field fresh start on new mine, I could have understood it.
What if the gold price does rise to $2,500 and what if Hav north comes good or the EB doubles in size they will have missed out big time.
But they have said they are comfortable with 70%, so fair play Sandeep thank you very much you’ve been a great partner keep it up
I’m baffled why they didn’t.
They must have gambled on them winning the independent value being in their favour and missed the chance to accept Shaun’s $85m.
Must be kicking themselves.
If you look at the Sprott note they quote a figure of $276/oz in the ground
On the reserves alone the value comes to around $42m.
This can be the only reason not to take the 5% for $60m.
Their hurdle of 15x the initial investment fell short.
If you look at it another way
$1800 gold price less $1000 AISC (for clarity)
160,000oz 5% ore reserves = $128m revenues
$60m x 15 =$900m
That seems a bit short sighted to me, if it had been a green field fresh start on new mine, I could have understood it.
What if the gold price does rise to $2,500 and what if Hav north comes good or the EB doubles in size they will have missed out big time.
But they have said they are comfortable with 70%, so fair play Sandeep thank you very much you’ve been a great partner keep it up