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Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:22 am
by Hydrogen
You have all seen Shaun on form. Now, many have even met him in person. There's no question he's a formidable character: demonstrating he has both a clear vision, having gathered together exceptional industry backing, and a simple strategy: grow GGP into something huge.

But at the end of the day... You either believe him or you don't. He's either a man of his word or he isn't.

So far in my opinion he's proven himself, every step of the way, as a man of his word. He's worked night and day for us since he arrived. He's ambitious and strategic thinking... but above all he's humble and wise. A man proven to acts in the interests of PIs (demonstrated by MRE2). And quite probably, the best thing to have happened to this company, since Had 5.

We have reached a critical juncture. I have received intel that NCM may try to disrupt this vote. We don't know how many shares they maybe able to use to vote against this upcoming funding, and if it fails, it would be catastrophic.

But make no mistake, they may well try.

There's no surprise that Sandeep is meeting Shaun to 'discuss matters' in two weeks in Melbourne. There's no surprise to me that the short is still active, because they still believe a buy out is possible. Shaun cannot imply this under any circumstances as the share would be immediately suspended. Fortunately, the chances of a low ball vaporised with the arrival of Tribeca and Wyloo.

Remember Wyloo bid up BHP by 380% for Noront. That is a fact of record.

AND This is why an exceptional vote turnout is absolutely critical to reinforce the unwavering message: Pis fully back Shaun Day and will not be discouraged.

A massive vote in favour would be a monumental show of pi strength and engagement. Make no mistake, that strength and engagement could be delineated to support or block any takeover vote.

IMO we are under pressure for this reason. The constant negative calls on LSE speak to this intent IMO. Standard stuff of course. There is a team of Multi-Id pros working hammer and nail for JPM designed to control the narrative ( in concert with 2m and 750k sell of stock they don't own) and they are increasing their negative tactics to pressure PIs, psychologically.

Why? Because to most Pis , price is everything.

But the fact is... Price is what you pay value is what you get... value is everything. Fundamentals are everything... Price? That changes with the wind. Why do you think they hammered us again just before the London Town hall on Wednesday... with circa 5m sold in the last hour of trading.

And, just when did we see that tactic before?

We're on a journey now, we've secured a 1st class, globally recognised team to transform the fortunes of this company -

And this is why... in Holland inflation just hit 17%. Gold will go to the moon, over the next few years.

Just look at the size of this recently published 0.5g/t mineralised shell. Now ask yourself this... What's the head grade at Cadia?

- 0.44 g/t . Just saying.

I see 5-10x from here now due to huge volume of marginal ounces coming fully into play and a first class board at the helm. Fortescue metals did 168,000% over 15 years. That's a force to be reckoned.

Good luck all.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:29 am
by Hydrogen
This one didn't attach but you can see the opportunity comparing the 1g/t and 0.5g/t shells...
The bulk is where the inter-generational money is made.
That's why GGP management have published this interactive 3d model
I have created a vimeo video here to compare
Have you noticed that in the FTSE 100 the house builders and banks are cratering - but the big miners are all UP...?
Make no mistake - this 3D model tells you everything that NCM don't want you to know.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:45 am
by Bottle Rocket - Liam

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:49 am
by Josh_shep
Great post Hydro, my concerns have only ever been about being bought out as I was never in the camp of we’d get a decent price from ncm, everything I found would suggest we’d have been bent over. Shaun confirmed it this week in conversations with PI’s that if this doesn’t go through, there’s not much hope of surviving in the current market.

This vote is imperative and the heavy hitters he’s brought on side are definitely not an enemy.

Everyone needs to vote.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:55 am
by jecsggp
Agree 100%, Hydrogen. All my shares are voting 'For'.
1) Excellent management
2)The right direction
3) No brainer.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:05 am
by WhiteTiger
Another very informative and thought provoking post from Hydro.

It is of vital importance that Pi's vote, I instructed H.L to vote on my behalf and have received notice that this has/will be carried out as per my instruction.

Pi's stick together, vote, don't let this go through lethargy...

One thing is quite clear to me, the big fat greasy pigs want this all for themselves, not if we don't let them.

All the best :)

White Tiger

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:19 am
by benjywright
Thanks all for helping with this. All votes FOR!!!
Bring on the gold!

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 11:50 am
by whatcouldgowrong
Votes just put in

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:16 pm
by OilMonkey
I hold my investment ISA with Best Invest.

I've had to call them to register my votes, just waiting to hear back from their team on how to do it.

No automatic email from them regarding vote so it seems you need to be proactive and chase yourself.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:23 pm
by NorthEastBeast
My votes are in.

Yes to all 5.

In Shaun we trust.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:45 pm
by Chris_On_GGPChat
Hydrogen wrote: Fri Sep 30, 2022 10:29 am ...
I have created a vimeo video here to compare
Make no mistake - this 3D model tells you everything that NCM don't want you to know.

Thanks for preparing the Vimeo video but to view the video it looks like one needs to log in as per this message I received "Video is not rated. Log in to watch."

Perhaps you could 'rate' it so that anyone can view it?

I've not been able to view the 3D model yet as my browser is not supported but I'm working on that myself.

Thank you H

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:02 pm
by Hydrogen
Thanks for flagging that Chris. I've just rated it.

And to our wee small minded Ceej on LSE my contact in Moscow now lives in hiding in London.
Her name is Catherine Belton. We go way back, to our university days. Google her.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:06 pm
by Chris_On_GGPChat
Yes, that works now. Thanks.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:24 pm
by Acechaser
Thanks Hydro as always you are convincing with your views. Could not agree more. Miss you over on LSE but I am doing my best to "wind-up" those trolls and other miscreants.

Oilmonkey I had to do the same with bestinvest - have posted this on the LSE board - I think it must be the same for HSBC as I have not heard from them.

Just voted 2.5M yes with 1.14 to come.

Good luck all.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:48 pm
by mushroomkid
The mighty mush clan has now cast all votes in favour of the resolutions. There had been a handful in Halifax accounts but even these have been swept up and used in the vote. Power to the People!

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:56 pm
by GregY
and its a 6.4m yes from me :D
always suspected NCM are buying in on the sly, lets see if its true

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 2:59 pm
by Volvic
Voted for all 5 as a yes, great faith in SD

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 4:45 pm
by @Mottster
I really enjoy reading your posts but find this one quite concerning. Are you in coms with GGP regarding this skull duggery? Can it be investigated?
Keep up the good work.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:30 pm
by Hydrogen
It's extremely unwise for any CEO/MD to complain about manipulation and shorting. Privately of course they will have a view. But I'm certain the company wouldn't be drawn openly, on the record, about this perhaps other than to say shorters become buyers, eventually. What's key is that everyone takes the opportunity to vote.

Re: Why it's Essential for all PIs TO VOTE... Now

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 7:44 pm
by Maximus10
My votes were sent last week, in favour of all 5 resolutions. Without proper access to funding, how do people expect to grow the company? If GGP was a lifestyle company, or raising cash for revenue expenditure, I wouldn’t hesitate to vote against. But this raise is for expansions, M and A, and further exploration. It’s the way we become a £multi-billion company.
We should not be worried about debt or dilution for these reasons.