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SIGNAL: Regime shift in Fed Policy

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 1:17 pm
by Hydrogen
" Whether they admit it or not... You have an entire millennial generation who just got body bagged by buying crypto.

It was supposed to be their nest egg - their retirement fund. US politics will tap into this phenomena and capture that dissenting Millennial voting audience who will no doubt support politics with a 'sound money' ticket.

Once we're done with the present Rate Hikes... THERE IS NO RATE CUT. no pivot

THe FED will raise but they will not pivot lower... We have a regime shift in policy. (Because you have to go all the way back to Paul Volker to find it). Powell is clearly saying it... "I'm doing a Volker" , people just don't want to listen, or to hear it.

But the bond market is listening. Rates are up and headed higher. 2 year yield up... 10 year yield was down this week, so you have the most inverted yield curve EVER.. (Which is a very long time).

If you have a regime shift at the FED, then the consequence is that this should be a recession that no generation has ever seen before."

Kieth Mccullough, Hedgeye CEO. (17th Nov 2022)

Re: SIGNAL: Regime shift in Fed Policy

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:33 pm
by OilMonkey
Well at least this millennial decided to build a stake in GGP as a nest egg/retirement pot, Crypto always seemed like smoke and mirrors to me

Wonder how many Gen Z who are the real young'uns, have got sucked in to the Crypto hype at its peak.

Re: SIGNAL: Regime shift in Fed Policy

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:30 pm
by Hydrogen
Now Gareth Soloway Agrees... Gold is going higher

And he was the first TA chartist to call bitcoin's collapse (2 months prior to it hitting ALL TIME HIGHS $69k) to sub $20k and probably more like $12k

This was well over a year ago on 10th September 2001:

Strap in gold is going higher... It's just a matter of time.