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Ggp Xmas Panto from 2020

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:56 pm
by Bamps21
Pantomime Edition
Pirates of the Pilbara
The Story of Edward Teach born in Bristol near the docks close to the Landogger Trow, a close friend of Long John Silver. He decided one day he wanted to go to sea so he packed his bags and kissed his wife Henrietta goodbye she said you must be Outamind, his 2 twins Tama and Trim were crying and the dog Bromus was snapping at his heels.
He got his 3 GGs G1,G2&G3 and off to London he rode to seek a ship bound for the Pilbara.
He found a ship called Havieron under Captain Hornygold who took a dislike to Edward Teach. Hey you with the Blackbeard get up on the Bobsnest and put up the Jolly Rogers and have a look round the Panorama. The Eastern and Northern routes look clear says Teach.
Ok come down and ask the wench to get my ale. He asked one of the other crew Ernest Giles where the wench was , he said I don't know ask Paddy Gal over there, but don't go near the captains dog Barbossa it's a massive.
There was a chap sat on a barrel taking his time Teach asked him what he was doing I'm Takingmytime before we set sail across the Atlantis to the island of Los Diablos to find the buried Gold. No one knows where it could be, It could be in the North BlackHills or the South Black hills. All I know it's going to be a very Bampy crossing with very stormy Hydrogen winds, and many dangerous monsters especially the giant Tiggerman.
They crossed the stormy Atlantis and found there way to the Panama canal where they faced the dangerous copper coloured mighty Kraken and the awesome Goliath. The pirate crew on BBoard the Havieron fought bravely against this pair of Institutions and put them in Redirons and sailed on to Los Diablos without the Captain who had fallen for a native girl called Elise.
Teach took over as Captain and became the ferocious Blackbeard. He screamed at TomE to study the charts.
He Bellars to Paddy to line up the Mottley crew. What's your names you lot in red, whose the ganger, me I'm Redleader and this is Russkie and Reddirt. He's not in Red whose he maninpink Cap'n. Who are you 2 speedy and meadie Cap'n were the Coincollectors and you in the mask , I'm Zoros Cap'n.
Hey you Scallywag what do you do, I fire the cannons Tom-the bomb.
Whose in the Bobsnest, it's Nige the lookout. Ship ahoy Cap'n it's floundering it's trying to go it alone it's the Solgold.
They've got the plank out they getting rid of Miagi and they're all singing and dancing.
Have we a spymaster on board yes it's StRudall
On reaching their destination there was another ship there the Newcrest.
Captain Biswas and his 2 shipmates Heddle and Baxter bellowed come and look what we found.
DL shouts Oh no they haven't
Oh yes we have
On no they haven't
Oh yes we have
It's Gold, Gold HopefullyGold do you want a share.

The End