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Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2023 9:30 pm
by Bottle Rocket - Liam
:!: :!: :!: :!: ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS :!: :!: :!: :!:

We have had reports of a member of this website, receiving what can be described as a Phishing Email from Shaun Day.

On first look, with a subject starting with "Greatland PTY" it looks like Shaun is sharing a file with you that he most certainly should not be.

But, we have investigated, and not only is the website it links to bogus but, it "could" if clicked on cost you your shares/money/computer system. (think of this as your long-lost African uncle wanting to connect with you type thing).

We do not know how this has come about, why, or even what the idea of it is, but PLEASE be vigilant, do not click on any links. especially without verifying the source, or where the link will take you.

We have checked with Shaun, and very much confirms that he did not send it.

As of this moment, we do not know if this means that there has been a breach of our data. (we would like to think not) But, that said there is only one Email reported, (which does match the address registered here, but at this stage can only be seen as a coincidence).

Our Logs show nothing untoward having accessed the system through the front door, however, to help track and pinpoint to see if we are the source of the Email address. (and we would be very distressed if this is the case). I would be very grateful If you receive a message. to reach out to me here immediately.

Stay safe peeps. - Especially when it comes to YOUR shares and YOUR money... - We would hope you are all logged in here with a very different email address to the one you have linked to your share accounts for instance...

BR, Costa, and the Support Team.


Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:39 am
by zoros
Thanks for the heads up Liam.
But surely - if anyone received an email from SD, they would consider it suspicious and then dispose of it - no?


Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 12:27 am
by Bottle Rocket - Liam
Well yes, but the content is beyond teasing. curiosity will likely cause someone issues somewhere. it usually does.

We have had a second reported email now.
