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Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 10:07 am
by Hydrogen
I have a really good feeling about this Scallywag work. I always said it was just a matter of time...

We know there are elephants out there.... My GEO technical group believe we have just kissed a supergene system.

AND not one; we just touched TWO - as say again TWO separate new systems... all vectored in from detailed technical field work.

We found native copper in the drilling mud ... You usually find native copper in the supergene environment (weathering profile) as copper sulphides are oxidised and the scale is usually about 1km vertical depth... ( attached is a tin-image so ignore from mixed tin-copper downwards )

ALL Right next door to the ( IMO ) 1 moz per annum plus Havieron copper gold mine: the 'discovery of a generation' ... 10x the grade of Telfer (remember all that?) Becuase it's still true. All of it.

Don’t forget what GH said when NC farmed in.... "Part of the reason they wanted in was cos of Scally. They always thought it bigger than Hav!"

The next 5-6 holes could be nothing short of life changing frankly.. 100% owned. and cash to drill under just 50m of loose sand, mudrock and stone. That's an open pit fast start.

Could it get any better... ? Not in my mind's eye. :o

Re: Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:16 pm
by Aiming2please
Looks like a boil ready to explode except gold/copper/silver spewing out, nice!! Very exciting times ahead, can’t wait to find out more.

Re: Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2023 8:12 am
by Midas Malc
Scallywag living up to its name and nature, as it is proving a little or hopefully, in our case a big scallywag, with it being responsible for the inflated share price high of 37.525p, and now looks like it could be about to in the next few months give up the secrets that it has been hiding?

A right little scallywag!

:) :o 8-) :?:

Re: Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:02 am
by Rex371
The mention of native copper in the drilling mud could potentially be linked to the use of cryptocurrency mining rigs, which rely on copper for their electrical wiring and components. Additionally, the potential discovery of new resources could potentially increase demand for copper and other commodities used in cryptocurrency mining, leading to potential market fluctuations.

Re: Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 9:56 am
by Hydrogen
Nice to meet you Rex371... thanks for your warnings :D
As you can see we're all heavily invested in crypto here .
You should buy some. Its going to be very good ...
Especially when the company drops the new Havieron DFS.
It's 100% coming. Good luck in your Endeavours. :roll:
Nice to see gold above $1900 again and holding within 8% of ALL Time highs.
And "All Time" is a long time..

Dollar looks to me to be trending down...
Wouldn't you agree? That's 5 months there.... Saying quite a bit IMO.
Shorts must be looking to close they know the end is nigh.

Just sayin'

Oh and how's about bond volatility... ooof ..?

Re: Did we just hit the Jackpot...?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 2:18 pm
by Bamps21
Native copper is not pure copper used in wiring, it takes a long time to weather copper ore down to a native copper state