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Share price

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 10:56 am
by Pootle
Morning folks,would any of you knowledgeable types be willing to tell a less knowledgeable share holder what is happening with the sp and would it be prudent to invest a little more?
Many thanks

Re: Share price

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 7:03 pm
by Redirons
Pootle - your question comes at a very difficult time for most long term investors to want to try to answer. There are a number of long termers who are still in profit having invested in GGP below 2p. We saw the halcyon rise in 2020 to a record 37.5p but when the SP started to slide I guess many of us thought it wouldn’t go down too low because we had yet to see the benefits of getting to first ore production when the SP really then should fly, or we might get bought out for what our CEO referred to as an eye-watering sum.
So there you have it, a raft of long termers are spitting feathers that they didn’t sell at 37.5p and perhaps buy back in at 6.6p today, but as most of us have a real grasp of the fundamentals here, we will sit it out and wait at least till first ore production (hopefully March 2024) and we will hope the last 2-3 years with the constant drip downwards in the SP will be a thing of the past.
For you to decide to invest now, you need to do your own research - there is masses of it on this GGPChat board set up by long termers who have been selfless in collating all the knowledge in one place.
If you invest, welcome on board, but do not do so by virtue of what someone tells you - do it because you have found out exactly what you are investing in. Good luck Red.

Re: Share price

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 10:22 pm
by Bottle Rocket - Liam
It is VERY dangerous to be asking for advice on shares on the internet.
The only way this board can answer that question is by telling you to talk to a financial advisor.

Please never take share advice from people on the internet. it will cost you more times than it will not.


Re: Share price

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 1:30 pm
by Pootle
Many thanks redirons, I started investing 18month or so back,my small holding has a share average of approx 11p so obviously want to see it rise (don't we all!!!) But I'm in no rush to sell as I'm holding for gold as the saying goes!!!
Just thinking about increasing my stake whilst the price is low again to help lower my share average whilst maximising profit once the gold starts being processed.

Re: Share price

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 1:36 pm
by Pootle
Bottle Rocket - Liam wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 10:22 pm It is VERY dangerous to be asking for advice on shares on the internet.
The only way this board can answer that question is by telling you to talk to a financial advisor.

Please never take share advice from people on the internet. it will cost you more times than it will not.

My apologies Liam, I suppose I was just thinking aloud with the advice part BUT as this is my first ever investment and not being at all knowledgeable about how it all works I struggle to understand most of what is posted on here.

Re: Share price

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 6:00 pm
by Hydrogen
Ok guys well that was a kicking wasn't it...?

Dust yourself off and look at the facts. We've had a few sellers and obviously certain PIs aren't very loyal, when it comes to cash raises (because AIM is littered with car crash companies that raise to keep the lights on). Understandable. And good riddance, presumably anyone dumping millions at 6p will only end up buying back at some point when they realise that any raise is a long way off.

Yes I think we can all accept that Shaun may wish to provide some liquidity to the ASX - but AIM will be the principle market for now. Remember the purpose of the listing is to domicile the stock with ASX only buyers - ie big Oz pension funds.

So what just happened ..? Well it's the bond market + DXY currency moves - the DXY just jumped from 100 to 104 .. and that temporarily smacked gold.

Markets wobbled at the depth and potential seriousness of the coming recession, (which is now starting to be realised as the data is bloody awful) a recession that will not be stopped nor saved by AI. (The lunacy of NVIDA hitting $1trillion in market cap, adding $225bn in market cap in under 2 minutes, on just $8bn of earnings, last night says it all ).

But Inflation is proving seriously sticky. The sticky 'core' bit is still rising.. this is a problem and allegedly was NOT expected (Unless you're Peter Schiff who seems to have predicted it all).

From the FED's perspective it's now all about controlling narrative and damage limitation... There's also that sell side CNBC narrative to explain everything. Basically the future looks bleak as chuff with a perilous - a very painful period of higher for longer rates - next to no growth, recession, maybe longer term depression, bank failures and a tonne of US commercial REIT dead bodies floating to the financial surface.

The GGP FUD-sters are screaming 'sell sell now, its going to 4p'... But the reason we are suffering a bit is down to UBS.

UBS have just sold 39m GGP shares according to Bloomberg Terminal. I can only assume this must be connected to their forced take over of Credit Suisse. Presumably they are seeking any liquidity from wherever they can get it? its nothing to do with Shaun Day - these guys are moving big money about becuase they have to.

Other than that Bloomberg shows no major changes but almost EVERYONE ELSE ADDING these past 6 weeks... PIs are still buying and holding... HL holds over 1,089 million shares .. That's you lot!!! In fact I counted 72% between HL , II, Halifax, IG, Barclays, AJ Bell, Charles Stanley and free trade alone and that doesn't list the individual big PIs like Jerry et al.

Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 18.26.18.png

Of note I see 26% institutional between Wyloo, Vaneck, Tribeca, Blackrock, Five Diggers And both Wllem's and Steve at Sprott's client funds. And 2-3% will be with other smaller funds. And most of these guys have been around 2-3 years now.

But We're in control here... Remember that! THat's why we are targeted by the trolls, feckers n fudsters that are doing everything they can to get our stock ( probably for the next big fund buy in ... Remember Vaneck just added 45m and the price didn't change... how did they do that?

Bloomberg shows Almost EVERYONE except UBS adding... So take solace in that. This is BS with leaks from Oz gossip biz columns is but a blimp in the road and probably a an exceptional buying opportunity. And although it's not showing on Bloomberg yet... we also know that Ned Naylor Leyland's 3* rated Jupiter Gold fund is buying having bought 75m last 6-12 weeks, so hey, GGP can't be all bad can we...?

But the reality is Gold is also still in bullish trade and trend, despite the dollar's strength. It's presently bouncing of support at $1947

So I fully expect too see a significant up-tick in miners and gold in the next few weeks. Conversely the 2 year and 10 year Treasury yield is presently hitting the top end of its risk range. Suggesting, for now that interest rates may be going higher, possibly. That probably won't happen... Becuase as we know form Silicon Vally and now First Republic it causes Banks to fall off cliffs and go bankrupt and many dead bodies float to the surface. I expect to see more of this messiness in the coming months. They tell you it's all in hand until it's not ... and suddenly another bank collapses.

Which Brings us to the stinking mess of corporate real estate ... Big problem here. And it's only just begun. They are clinging on with fingernails. Panic is setting in and the ship is' stern in the air' like the titanic. All of the economic data is slowing... China just tanked. Oil tanked. And copper tanked. And with that the FTSE 100 tanked. That's what's happened yesterday and nothing else at GGP changed.

Gold will come back. It's just at the bottom end of the gold risk range - the top end being $2060 and GVIZ or gold volatility is 16-19 which puts it fully in the investable bucket.

Then there's SWAG - I almost forget. They pulled the drill up short in mineralisation back in 2022 due to problematic drilling conditions... while apparently touching a significant copper and Silver ore body at shallow depth, And SINCE they have retuned to the same hole and NOW, like yesterday, they have just put another SWAG hole in very close proximity...

Screenshot 2023-05-25 at 18.41.24.png

"The poor drilling conditions are likely due to a significant structure being intersected in the hole. From the assay results at the top of the structure it is likely that this large structure is mineralised. Mineralised shear zones are hosts to many ore bodies in Australia and globally. Greatland is intending to re-drill at least part of the unsampled hole interval during its 2023 program. This will enable the Company to complete the geological picture and more fully understand the highly encouraging metal values in the PXRF reading and lab assays."

Could it be a right Pearler !?!?

How exciting.

Re: Share price

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 7:04 pm
by Acechaser
Just popped in for a browse and had my own views reinforced by yours. Just what I needed. Shame you can not get back over to LSE (I will assume you are still banned - lost track) and give the trolls a right good going over.

Pootle - get stuck in mate.

Re: Share price

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 8:19 am
by jecsggp
Thanks Hydro - exactly the information and insight any newby shareholder needs to see, check and digest. :)


Re: Share price

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 11:24 am
by Hydrogen
No problem... The crux is that US bond yields were yesterday and now again today hitting the top end their risk ranges at 3.9 for the 10year (due to market worrying about another rate rise)

US core inflation up again... AND Boom look at that it's jumped form 3.4 to 3.9 in a few days. Watch out for more banks falling over...

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 13.56.31.png

And conversely gold is simply hitting the bottom of its Risk Range ... at $1947

This presents a buying opportunity in GGP

Re: Share price

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 7:42 pm
by Pootle
Many thanks for taking the time to give such an in depth reply hydrogen,very much appreciated 👍