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Please start all threads with the date of image capture DD/MM/YY
Satellite image of new road dog leg around salt pans, where the big yellow blob is
Re: 21-12-2023
Satellite image showing the large pond filled and evaporating within 5 days
Re: 21-12-2023
Maybe a silly question, how deep do they fill these?
Re: 21-12-2023
There are sections through these ponds I can’t remember the actual depth but most of the depth is to allow for a 1 in 100 year flood event and a 0.7m wave action from wind
Re: 21-12-2023
This is showing what designs were needed for the vent shafts and maybe one reason why it was moved.
Re: 21-12-2023
The aquifers follow the Percival paleovalley as you can see in those maps.
All 3 aquifers though drain ( I wouldn’t call it flowing) in different directions towards Lake Dora.