Notes from Proactive Interview re HAVIERON QUARTERLY UPDATE - 25 Jan 2024

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Notes from Proactive Interview re HAVIERON QUARTERLY UPDATE - 25 Jan 2024

Post by DipSard »

Notes from Proactive Interview re HAVIERON QUARTERLY UPDATE - 25 Jan 2024

Interview Link:


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Just quick notes, a transcript was unavailable to use:

* Start with an update on the Havieron development please?
- main update there is the depressurisation and dewatering of the LCA (Lower Contained Aquifer) at Havieron
- there are 6 bore holes into that and we’re basically pumping the water and extracting that to surface as we speak
- big part of that process is collecting data and understanding that water management equation, that will allow us and give us confidence about that final timetable
- and what’s really important to us is that LCA, exactly eth same formula we’ve used with upper and mid aquifer is depressurise, dewater and then drive through it
- but want to make sure that last hurdle before we get down to the top of the ore body is navigated safely and securely and just want to make sure we do that safely and properly and that’s an ongoing exercise as we walk up and continue to get that dewater information

* Can you give us an update on GGP’s independent Havieron’s MRE update?
- It was the highlight of the quarter, I think it was a tremendous result
- we’d undertake to get that out in the December quarter, as it happens it was always going to be late in the quarter but it was really important to engage well with our new JV partner Newmont, we thought they did a great job in terms of just being courteous and giving us an opportunity to share that with our shareholders but also the independent review
- so, look some tremendous data there, it goes up to 8.4moz, that’s growth of another 29% and pleasingly it’s also the same growth rate as the last update so although we’ve already identified 8.4moz it continues to grow at that same cadence that same level
- the OPVM (Ounces per vertical meter) was a huge part of that announcement, previously we had just under 8000 ounces across the top 400m of the ore body, that same value of OPVM is now across a thousand vertical meters of extent
- so it’s truly a great ore body and I think importantly as well if people look at that indicated category that’s what can be converted into reserve
- that grew hugely by over 30% and finally there was more targeting towards the bottom of the ore body or at least through that second 500m expanse and over 70% of the ounces added were in that second part of the ore body
- so again we had articulated to the market that there was good continuity, that we were seeing continuation of grade and volume and that’s exactly what’s panned out
- so, yeah it’s a tremendous outcome

* You mentioned Newmont taking over Newcrest as your JV partner (NOTE: they acquired Newcrest), can you comment on that?
- Newmont is the world’s largest gold miner, a hugely capable and successful organisation
- delighted to have them as our JV partner, relatively early days, they just took over I think in mid-November but already we’ve seen some really positive engagement
- we did know some of them there already but that’s now expanded and we really appreciate them but what’s super important I think and super positive for our shareholders is that we now have the expertise of the world’s largest gold miner deploying it’s expertise to the Havieron project
- I think that’s only going to be helpful and we’re continuing to work through the Havieron Feasibility Study and the optimisation around that
- And that’s a really exciting opportunity that we’ll be sharing with shareholders during the course of 2024.
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