Can there be a rule about alluding to have secret information?

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Can there be a rule about alluding to have secret information?

Post by Monty »

As topic, can alluding to having secret information be against forum rules?

If people have information, fantastic, love to see it, please share

If people have "I know something, cant tell you ;) hehe" its beyond annoying, if you really do have some secret information (alongside hopefully evidence) that for whatever reason is too sensitive to share, then what is the point in mentioning it?

Open, honest evidence based intelligent discussion vs cloaks and daggers fantasy fiction

Thanks for the consideration on this change
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Re: Can there be a rule about alluding to have secret information?

Post by Aiming2please »

I completely agree with you on this one, if you can’t say anything then don’t mention it in the first place. I see it as attention seeking and very annoying.
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Bottle Rocket - Liam
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Re: Can there be a rule about alluding to have secret information?

Post by Bottle Rocket - Liam »

Sorry, but this is not really something that can be controlled by "rules", or "community standards".

The thread that prompted this went to room one oh one.