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Post by RationalAssessor »

Appears to me that we have had an influx of folks on LSE who are looking to spread FUD. I can only assume (maybe incorrectly) that they do this to try to knock confidence and drive the SP down further. Since the 5% has now been resolved, I'm seeing the following subjects:

1. If NCM didn't take the 5% option at $60M, then surely our MCAP can only be a maximum of 6 times that ie $300M. Er no. NCM has declared that they felt that they could use that $60M better elsewhere and that they were happy with holding 70%. As Nitram has said elsewhere 5% of Hav on current estimates would only represent 1% of NCM future production, it is not a big decision to them. We also need to remember that SD has said that even his estimate put forward to the Independent Valuer was conservative in order to ensure that the IV was not tempted to select the NCM option. I beleive that NCM not taking the 5% was more to do with their own internal governance and pressure from their shareholders.

2. Decline Progress - Sandeep has said that they are reviewing the prediction to first ore which is currently H2 of FY 2024 - ie Jan to Jun of 2024. FUDsters are suggesting that this means that they are considering pushing the prediction back. I say that they were struggling to get through permian layer and had pushed back extimates from late CY23 to early CY 24 simply to protect themselves from accusations of not advising the market. Up to 1st July, average progress was around 7M per week. Since then, we have seen an acceleration and positive comments from both SD and SB. Now they are out of the permian layer, I am advised that 3-4M per shift would be a fair ie an acceleration to between 42M and 56M per week. The first would have us getting to top of orebody by Mid Aug next year and the second would bring it back to early Jun. Therefore, I believe that the review on progress is looking to bring the first ore into 1st half of FY 2024 (ie July to December 2023)

3. Funding - "Where's this money going to come from - surely we have to dilute" say the FUDsters. Yet again, not necessarily. SD has said that he has been discussing with banks even on the basis that the 5% were not taken by NCM - he appears confident that he can get a loan to enable us to get to production income and I am prone to beieve the MD of Greatland over an anonymous BB poster. Yes, he may also have to divest or make a raise of capital through a share issue, but he might use that opportunity to cross list on ASX and open up investment to a whole new community which arguably he knows better and may be better informed on mining in Australia.

4. "NCM may decide not to mine Havieron following the release of their Feasibility Study" - Oh, come on do me a favour. NCM would not be going hammer and tongs to get to the orebody and spending significant amounts of their money if they were not pretty certain that they were going to mine. In addition, they would suddenly find themselves having to consider closing Telfer and recovering it to its original state therby incurring further significant costs. I really do not think so. Even in the remotest likelihood that they did, I suspect that SD would be looking to take the remaining 70% of Hav plus Telfer from NCM if he were able to arrange financing.

5. "NCM are going to take us over" - we should all be worried. OK, so at this SP and level of PI holdings, there is an argument that we are ripe for a takeover attempt. But in order to do that, the offeror would need to place a premium on the prevailing SP - would PIs capitulate at 12p, 15p, 20p, 30p? Who knows? Whatever the level it should be a pretty good premium and the SP would rerate on announcement that a vote is to be taken - what is there to be worried about there - unless you are very deep in negative equity and find yourself forced to let go at a loss.

Personally, I am pretty comfortable that all risks above are pretty well covered and some even present us with opportunity. I sleep very well but do have nightmares over the night parrots. Perhaps that is where the FUDsters will go next.

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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by archer1415 »

It will be interesting to watch if any of these LSE FUDsters get cancelled.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Hydrogen »

I’ve spoken to Shaun about the short, since the Pacific Trends deal. He’s very aware, and keen… no, quite determined actually, to make them pay and buy every single share back , on market.

From my understanding, there will be absolutely no ‘easy exit’... And there's only so much juice you can squeeze. The market makers are in full swing persuading LSE readers to sell. Make no mistake; They are all in it together…

And watch out… we’ll be 40-100% up in a day.

Sandgrounded's “fears” penned on LSE do not “have it correct”. (The shorts will not get to take part in any rights issue…) Neither does Toothless Bruce, our JPM Client’s 10p a post sentiment basher in chief..(?) Wow!! though they’re out in force today...? VPNs must be in overdrive.

Ggp is sat on 30% of a 20moz discovery…

And hilariously, the narrative changes to another negative story, after whatever made up FUD door was just slammed shut in their faces. They just change to the next tune. Could it possibly be that every situation Is bad for ggp given the drilling and the road ahead?

Jeez we’ve been through the Beatles entire back catalogue this past year. It's like a Monty Python sketch…

“The stock price just goes down and down” they moan.
What about the shorts?
“But there are no shorts? They don't exist"!
"Hang on what about this JPM short"?
Oh ok, there are shorts…But they make NO difference.
Ok what about this 18m sell and the 5m sell the first day SD speaks to holders in London?
And not to mention the 10s of Millions sold every time 'good news' hits unexpectedly…?
And what about this unatural chart trend that mechanically belies every outstanding RNS since Scally?
And… What about The Ortex? That seems to show 98m on loan?
Oh yeah ...but all this talk about shorts is "massively overplayed".
(you obviously haven't tried to buy 10m :lol: )
The shorts will do a deal with Pacific Trends...
Err no they won't... Sam Garret loves GGP so much he's willing to lock in for 2 years.
Anyhow NCM can’t short GGP... "That would be unfair"... (Tell that to JPM)
What? Like they didn’t short Pretium..? Right, before the $3bn TO?
But they didn't take up the 5%… (ah happy days!)
"Because now they won’t mine Havieron any time soon" …
"Next it will be declared , wait for it, “uneconomic" ffs !

It all just sounds so bleeding desperate... doesn't it? . They’re literally terrified of GGPs natural price discovery…the shorts will lose millions of pounds. They want you to take a 68% loss.

Make no mistake this is the reason : Telfer is in a coma, on life support. NCM have even just had to increase their gold price assumption in order to keep Telfer ‘operational on paper' an ongoing/short-term basis.

Yup - NCM just had to conveniently up their assumed gold price to $1625 to make it look viable in their annual report.

(Shame they didn’t use $1625 (or even $1690) in the Havieron PFS... eh?)

And Sandgrounded you can rest up, Pal ... Shaun will ensure every singe new GGP share , should ASX require any, goes slam into high quality, long term ‘good owners' hands.. Because IMO He wants JPM’s "Client" screwed back (just as much as we do).

The FACT is the bent cronies on LSE, the dodgy market markets, and boiler room bashers have over >100m now to buy 'on market'...

They are getting deeper and deeper… up stink creek , with only FUD as paddle stick. Ever day the stench gets stronger and the massive price discovery event they are creating gets closer.

They’ve lost every real narrative battle, now.

No one is selling. No one….Not in any meaningful volume and at 10p - guess what... we now have major buyers … funds like Jupiter turn up... all they can do is panic sell more stock they don’t own, and hope another fund doesn’t bend them over again...

(what did i tell you, Not Invested James ...? :lol: )

Anyhow. The Gloves are off… everyone can see gold is moving north after 2 years consolidation. And could go ballistic.

News from Shaun on funding, or, an early bid from NCM will blow this right up. But can they ‘afford’ to buy us?

Well... there is no way they are get this off us cheap… NO WAY. it’s 50p+ easily IMO

Please Sandeep , let’s not have GGP give your NCM mob another bloody nose…. ? “Oz minerals/BHP Style .

Because we will. We’re not mugs and neither is Shaun;

Nickel assays next…?
10moz GGP Mre3...?
$150m in funding from Franco Nevada?
Major copper strike at Scally …. Ooof!

So much in GGPs arsenal for Shaun to (potentially) unleash…

I'm wet as an Otter's pocket just thinking about it...

And long term holders have ringside seat (to this price discovery event …)

Sandeep... come on pal, it’s time to get giddy again and step up to the golden plate… Put a stop to the nonsense before you fall face first into Shaun Day's next Elephant trap... :idea: .

( Taking your bat n ball home over the 5% was a tad pathetic looking, and Shaun got exactly what he wanted).

Anyhow we want 50p+ and some want £1 :geek: Or 30% of a massive gold mine...

Never a dull moment owning GGP
Screenshot 2022-08-23 at 22.52.26.png
Last edited by Hydrogen on Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by FreeSpeech »

 'It all just sounds so bleeding desperate... doesn't it?'

Yes Hydrogen, it does, but then you nearly always do. Are you (and others) incapable of posting without all the obsessive and ridiculously childish name calling? For goodness sake, grow up and allow others to have differing opinions.

'But watch out… we’ll be 150% up any day.'

All conjecture, spoken as fact, not an IMO in sight. Unnecessarily crude too. But hey, what's the harm in a bit of unsubstantiated irresponsible ramping in what appears to be another unmoderated echo chamber.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by speedymeadie »

Hi Freespeech. So what are your views on what is happening. ATB Speedy
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Hydrogen »

It is what it is... Freespeech. Maybe take a leaf out of your own Handle? :lol:
At least in here you're not up against the LSE racket 'banning' whoever actually talks sense.
Check out Chris' view, which I lifted directly, from the Swazers Telegram channel (below).
LSE is rampantly bent and toxic. We have Free speech in here ...
20moz + my friend.. as I said yonks ago, and now, I note, GGP say publicly.
Last edited by Hydrogen on Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by mushroomkid »

As is ever the case on the modern social media platforms, someone registers with a username like 'freespeech' who then criticizes someone else's free speech.

I thoroughly enjoy hydrogen's passionate posts reminding us what sly agenda is being played 'out there', juxtaposed and contrasting vividly against the superb business opportunity ahead of us. (A stance that led to a ban on the lse forum, currently infested with weasels of all description doing their utmost to play it down).

This is safe territory here. 'Home' in the giant Ludo set of the GGP game. If you don't like it, go play with the weasels.
We're gonna need a bigger shovel

Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by FreeSpeech »

Sadly, whilst predictably, these responses so far prove my point. Happy back-slapping guys n gals, I will leave you in peace. Please deregister my account and remove my details from the system Liam.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by lebugue-addick »

Hi mushy - I often look upon this GGP game as one of snakes and ladders and we know where to find the snakes alright. To take the analogy further, if we were a game of Monopoly which set of squares would be approaching?

I think it's safe to say that 4 years ago we may have been classed as Old Kent Road looking to prove ourselves. Then the great Havieron find appeared and this quickly shuffled us along to Pentonville Road and around the corner to Pall Mall. The Newcrest JV quickly propelled us along to Vine Street and subsequent excellent drilling has taken us along to Piccadilly. We have of course picked up may speeding tickets along the way but so far we have avoided going directly to jail.

So the question is - will we turn the corner into Oxford Street or dare I say it, Mayfair and continue to go on collecting our £200 for extra drilling as we pass Go?

As for Free Speech's post, personally I would love to hear more from him. There are clearly some issues he needs to get off his chest - so let's talk.

I see there are now some 1,100 members of this forum but 90% or more never post. That is a pity. They have had unfettered access to quality information in the Library and every presentation is followed up with Dip's fantastic and immediate transcripts. Plenty to get your teeth into I would have thought. Look forward to reading more discussion in a friendly, non-judgemental environment.

cheers l-a
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Bottle Rocket - Liam »

FreeSpeech wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:24 am Sadly, whilst predictably, these responses so far prove my point. Happy back-slapping guys n gals, I will leave you in peace. Please deregister my account and remove my details from the system Liam.
Disappointed you feel this way. data has been removed and good luck.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by mushroomkid »

:P Hi LA. I love analogies as you know and your use of the Monopoly board is excellent.

It appears to me, to continue the analogy theme further, that there are three main routes for information on this share:

This is HQ, where more sober analysis can be made and also a refuge for LSE emigrants who wish to take a breather.

Telegram is a boisterous serviceman's bar, where tempers occasionally flare but the clientele are generally well behaved and it introduces highly debated subjects.

LSE is something like I imagine Hades to be. It doesnt matter what you say in there, eventually everyone is going to fry in the same cauldron of hell. I sometimes go for day trips, just for the fun of it. :D
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by LindsayK »

lebugue-addick wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:32 am Hi mushy - I often look upon this GGP game as one of snakes and ladders and we know where to find the snakes alright. To take the analogy further, if we were a game of Monopoly which set of squares would be approaching?

I think it's safe to say that 4 years ago we may have been classed as Old Kent Road looking to prove ourselves. Then the great Havieron find appeared and this quickly shuffled us along to Pentonville Road and around the corner to Pall Mall. The Newcrest JV quickly propelled us along to Vine Street and subsequent excellent drilling has taken us along to Piccadilly. We have of course picked up may speeding tickets along the way but so far we have avoided going directly to jail.

So the question is - will we turn the corner into Oxford Street or dare I say it, Mayfair and continue to go on collecting our £200 for extra drilling as we pass Go?

As for Free Speech's post, personally I would love to hear more from him. There are clearly some issues he needs to get off his chest - so let's talk.

I see there are now some 1,100 members of this forum but 90% or more never post. That is a pity. They have had unfettered access to quality information in the Library and every presentation is followed up with Dip's fantastic and immediate transcripts. Plenty to get your teeth into I would have thought. Look forward to reading more discussion in a friendly, non-judgemental environment.

cheers l-a
I am one of the 90%, I don’t post, because I am a complete novice when it comes to mining, however I did do some research a year or so ago and Shaun Day is the reason I am invested. I regularly read the posts on here to build on my knowledge, so thank you to the 10% that do, you are all educating me in a positive way, unlike the other board, which just made me feel anxious/frustrated and angry in equal measure.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by lebugue-addick »

Hi Lindsay.

It's good to hear your perspective. Keep researching if you have the time and you never know you might be able to give Bamps a run for his money on the mining stuff. I struggle to keep up when Magictrades and he start jabbering on so you're in good company. My knowledge is better suited to the finance and numbers side so I am happy to let them get on with it. You learn a lot that way.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by ShandyS »

Hi L.A
As one of the 90% members who do not post I am grateful for the knowledge of those who are far more clued up than I.
I am a LT GGP holder in both my SIPP and ISA and am very excited for the future - I just have nothing to add on top of the very knowledgable posters on here!
Thanks to all.

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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Scottishrugby »

Hi All,

I exactly the same as part of the 90% but i do read this board at least once or twice a day. I have GGP in my SIPP and am in it for the long term. Before I joined LSE and now this board I had no clue about mining but thanks to the learned people on here i gradually building up my knowledge. Which to be honest is still very small.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by iseo395 »

Betcha that Freespeech dude is Freddie from LSE come over for a nosey lol
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by lebugue-addick »

Hi (S)Andy and Scottish Rugby.

Good to see you posting. What did you make of the timing of the placing yesterday.

Were you disappointed PIs can't take part?

Do you think it could have been done earlier at a better price given the earlier 14.5p placing. Or done at the same time even?

Shaun has been waving bank term sheets in front of our noses for 9 months or more. Do you think he should have been quicker off the mark before interest rate rises or was he right to wait until now?

How do you think Newcrest fit in to all this. Are they trying to squeeze GGP or was it just good business practice?

Newcrest accounts show they have access to $2,4 billion liquidity in cash and borrowings so why did they not really want to afford $60m for 5% of Havieron?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

Cheers l-a
"If I said you had a beautiful ore body would you hold it against me?" :lol:
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by lebugue-addick »

Well we now know from Shaun's Proactive investors interview a few minutes ago that he could not extend the placing to PIs because of the euro cap. What a crazy piece of euro law. SD jokingly says lobby Boris to get this changed!
"If I said you had a beautiful ore body would you hold it against me?" :lol:
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Scottishrugby »

lebugue-addick wrote: Thu Aug 25, 2022 7:41 am Hi (S)Andy and Scottish Rugby.

Good to see you posting. What did you make of the timing of the placing yesterday.

Were you disappointed PIs can't take part?

Do you think it could have been done earlier at a better price given the earlier 14.5p placing. Or done at the same time even?

Shaun has been waving bank term sheets in front of our noses for 9 months or more. Do you think he should have been quicker off the mark before interest rate rises or was he right to wait until now?

How do you think Newcrest fit in to all this. Are they trying to squeeze GGP or was it just good business practice?

Newcrest accounts show they have access to $2,4 billion liquidity in cash and borrowings so why did they not really want to afford $60m for 5% of Havieron?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

Cheers l-a
I can understand the placing and also the reason that PI's could not participate in. What I am a bit disappointed in is when NCM announced they were not taking the 5% ( which I like, 30% better etc. ) and that SD had announced he had offered more I would have thought he would have come straight out with a funding package already in place. That I think would have sent a nice clear signal that everything is in order and would, I believe, stopped this SP wobble.

Still here for at least 5 years so not unduly worried.
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Re: FUDsters/Shorters

Post by Hydrogen »

Just to confirm I stand by every single last word (posted below). I won’t be apologising to anyone, even Sandgrounded a trusted LTh.

Nobody knows why that 50m ‘on loan’ was closed and suddenly reopened last week. Makes very little sense, other perhaps than 50m were recalled and transferred to another lender.

Thus, one is left to infer, they are deployed and sold short. Otherwise why incrementally increase ? To pretend you’re shorting when you dare not..?

The company has confirmed to their knowledge the JPM short didn’t close and was excluded at the raise, (as far as they know).

Further, it’s now over 103.4m… which given the ortex lag and price action, seems to fit.

So, the buy back ‘event’ hasn’t been or could not be orchestrated, yet….

Something to look forward to… talk about price catalyst?

Albeit The £30m raise at 8.2p is a disappointingly low price… under present market conditions, it speaks volumes to the high quality of both management and the asset. $75m doesn’t grow on trees, right? We just bought certainty and the option of a further $40m from TriBeCa.

No mean feat!

Solgold, for example, a highly respected company with a 25moz Au/cu deposit just failed in a attempt to raise anything (due ‘difficulty’ with market conditions).

We know full well there’s some extreme market fuckery afoot. That’s for certain at GGP. .

But ultimately, ALL they can do is create more bent FUD on toxic LSE and then sell millions more shares they don’t own.

….. And then, as if out of nowhere, the multi-millionaire Stephen Beetham “pops up”. Coincidence?

Possible….Were they Nevergone…? Or always here?

Is this our JPAM’s “client” …obviously, I’ll never know.

So, when push comes to shove….Better Beetham than Biswas… I suppose?

104m to buy and counting ….? Good luck with that.
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