The White Walkers are coming...

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The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Something snapped in the US banking system on Friday... In fact it started in Japan on Thursday night... Major bond buying erupted, markets crashed, three banks collapsed and Silvergate Capital and the biggest being Silicon Valley Bank SVB America's 16th largest bank... And by Saturday an "Emergency Fed Meeting" was called for Monday...

This looks like a lot of moves to try and prevent a bank run... Something is going off. Is this it..? Is this the Credit event coming that I flagged was implied by the MOVE INDEX around 3-4 months ago.

The consequences: By late friday gold rocketed... GDXJ was flying.. The Vix rocketed. The dollar tanked. The 2y Treasury yield crashed to long term 2 year support. ( That's long term support going back to covid...)

Previously, One of our biggest SH contacted me a few weeks back to say his old mate had been sacked from Credit Suisse, and they'd claimed CS was essentially bankrupt. From another direction, my fund manager mate, keeps flagging to me that if Credit Suisse goes that's it.. its so big it will cause a major crisis in banking confidence. Does the market think Credit Suisse is next..? Is this Covid's real 'Lehman' moment?

Then today :




They are obviously worried . What they going to do to hide a banking crisis ...?

Question is why did SVB collapse...? Well Becuase it transpired they had far 'less capital' than thought ... deposits were seriously down, the housing market has been stopped in its tracks, plus the banks liquid and illiquid assets like treasuries and $120bn in securities mark to market at $100bn so showing huge unrealised losses... AND far greater than expected.

SVB is a venture capital bank. They support profitless tech startups basically. VC funding is just a 💩 business plan for years now facing hangover, and suddenly wants government intervention. When the crap hits the fan, they beg for corporate socialism. Sorry, but IMO that's simply not how true capitalism is supposed to work. Like us You play, you pay.

AND We want money to move to real assets, real money... like gold... and miners. And companies that make useful stuff. Not pump and sell the
future promise of it.

A rush into bonds will tank yields - at least continue to drive them lower. Any whiff of cowbell ( liquidity support ) by central banks - like the Bank of England last September - will send yields even lower. And that should be a mega tail wind for gold… lower rates, higher sticky inflation signifies “higher negative real rates for longer”… hopefully?

Could this be the prefect set up for the next leg up in gold.

Hold tight.. becuase if gold rerates it could absolutely rocket.

Becuase banks blowing up are part of soft landings, did you not know that?

" Risk happens slowly, then all at once" ....Got Gold ?
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

IT's a bailout JIM ... but not as we know it.

Call it a Backstop then...?

I thought they said 'never' again...

They did. Panic people...

ALL MSN news reports, as far as I can see, failing to report the truth and the most important 'SVB failure point' ...that 100% SVBs total failure was down to the BANK idiotically investing 120 $billions in tech stocks and securities... talk about “MORAL HAZARD” And that market collapsing exposed the bank to massive unrealised losses... Of course. 😂🤔

Want the truth:

JP Morgan also heavily invested in Tech....?
Last edited by Hydrogen on Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:30 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Now they're coming for First Republic Bank...
Bank number 4 to collapse in as many days...

Pattern emerging here? US baking system safe... or over leveraged on US tech stocks and collapsing T bilsl....?

This is defo not bullish...
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Last edited by Hydrogen on Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Credit Suisse default... incoming.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »


Credit Event Continues Courtesy of HedgEye

Signature bank loses $2.7bn in Mcap this week and $17bn in the past year.
Screenshot 2023-03-13 at 20.05.16.png
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Probably nothing.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Shady69 »
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Some say, Credit Suisse is next.....

This is interesting... KM explained today that the credit default swap spread for Credit Suisse was catastrophically out of control... Normally, a bank is in serious trouble if the swap spread is over 300 basis points. The Credit Suisse spread is a staggering 552 basis points, and rising. The size of the Spread implies the greater of the risk of bankruptcy/failure.

Literally teetering on the brink. ... SEaZw&s=08
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Last edited by Hydrogen on Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by wildbill99 »

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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Probably nothing (again...) Economy is fine after all... No recession to see here...
Definitely not billions and billions in unreleased banks losses...
No Problem, Right?
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Gold to the moon, right? :shock:

This is literally just the beginning of chapter 3 (of the Quad 4 cycle novel... )

You get that, right?
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Well , I wasn't wrong... :cry:
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And Christ Alive, look at OIL.... $82 to $65 in 7 days ...

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Last edited by Hydrogen on Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

Logic dictates this sh*t is about to a LOT worse...

Apparently there a lot of banks in the US, in far worse fiduciary states than SVB... but they don't have quite so many rich business owners deciding to pull their cash out all at once... well not just yet.

So...then on friday we have bozo baggins Janet Yellen astonishingly saying no other bank deposits will be insured or backed by government:

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You have to watch this clip : ... 2654632962

Now Forgive me, but she suddenly looks pretty, no seriously rattled, by this line of questioning.... It's almost as if the penny drops mid flight...

Then she admits that these measures are taking the US fiscal debt from $30trillion to $50trillion ... 03106?s=20

The dollar is going to tank soon IMO

Then, the realities of the Banking back-story get a sh*t tonne worse... ... YFDiA&s=08 ... qE8sg&s=08

'Approximately 9.5% or 453 of all banks in the US have less than 5% equity. (significant less than Silicon Valley Bank) Most due to write down of gov securities purchased (not sold)… and the majority are not receiving letters from the FED. Which should happen in any other scenario.'

SO ... the point they are making, lots of banks with bugger all liquidity, any more bankruns might bring them right down.

And today... According to the FT We have UBS salvaging the train wreck that is Credit Suisse possibly this weekend to try and stem the tide of blood flooding from the US banking system..

I mean if you were a company sat on $220m in specifcially "uninsured banks deposits" in you local bank branch ... what would you do....?

Sit tight.. or move it ALL .... NOW!!!! ... hedgeye-tv

This lunacy from Janet Yellen (and the US FDIC) is very possibly going to be THE trigger for a MASS regional US bank collapse.

... what could possibly go wong?

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Last edited by Hydrogen on Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:33 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

"Risk happens slowly... THen ALL at Once."
Kieth McCullough. 2023
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by RichL »

Nutter Yellen has just told US citizens to be safe.. remove funds and move it to top 4 banks or you are stuffed

Can i hear the rumble of a stampede ?
Big gold .. crypto rush incoming
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

I think she’s lost it.. and I don’t mean her barber!

I mean total reversal from last Friday’s congress testimony now to today. ... 60448?s=20

This smacks of panic at the top imo.

Total disarray at the highest level.

Because they know with inflation at 6% there’s nothing much they can do:

“In an intervention designed to shore up confidence in the banking system after more than a week of turmoil, the US Treasury secretary said guarantees offered to depositors in the failed Silicon Valley Bank could be replicated at other institutions.

“The steps we took were not focused on aiding specific banks or classes of banks,” Yellen said in a speech to the American Bankers Association on Tuesday, which marked her most extensive comments yet on the banking turmoil.

“Our intervention was necessary to protect the broader US banking system,” she added. “And similar actions could be warranted if smaller institutions suffer deposit runs that pose the risk of contagion.”

When they act to stop panic. It’s time to panic.

This is about to get super nasty for global markets, for the Nasdaq and SP 500…

The junior gold miners will literally explode.

Gareth Soloway now calling really big Rick Rule style numbers in gold. Not heard that from him before…
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Re: The White Walkers are coming...

Post by Hydrogen »

I'm getting the feeling the White Walkers are coming again for the US banks ..

The fed Reserve recently enthusatically published results of their highly significant banking 'stress test' on the 5 biggest US banks.

What they discovered was very encouraging: Everything a is pretty much A-OK with the big banks. However... The fed had concerns about the commercial property sector, but that fortunately it's all definitely okay, becuase while the fed acknowledges that commercial property is a major risk problem the big banks are only exposed to around 20% or about 1/5th of the sector..

Er...right oh... So that begs the very scary question: Who is exposed to the other 80%... Get the picture?

This is not good. And it's definitely getting much less good at 6% 7% 8 % interest rates. And The yield curve inversion is telling us that they have this all wrong. Major policy error.
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