Bamps posts

All things Greatland Gold.
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Xeverton1 »

Well done Bamps, you don’t need the grief what you get over there as you only add positivity and honest posts as long as I’ve been invested with GGP and that’s been approximately 3 years. I do wonder where the whoppers emege from…their loss and and our gain as they say
Take care
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by poniexpress »

Your wealth of knowledge mainly based on experience knows no bounds. You have enabled a multitude of GGP investors like me not only to keep the faith in the investment but educated them as well re mining matters with completely unselfish motives. Keep posting on here and ignore the flak from LSE morons who are perpetrating their evil Surely no one believes a word they say and if any alleged reputable miner (Newcrest, Newmont, Barrick, Rio or Financial organisation JPM, Black Rock etc or whoever, Putin included) was behind such selfish financial moves to keep GGP SP down and discredit truth surely they will be avoided like the plague and would end up the eternal pariahs and be doomed forever. Thats my message to the morons and their masters.
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Hi Poniexpress
Looks like I’ve caused the biggest discussion of the day over there so I’ve been told.
I never mentioned on it I wasn’t going to post again thought it would bring out the shysters.
I don’t know what’s the matter with people these days
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by poniexpress »

I agree - In my opinion on a wider front there are many who are influenced by those making determined attempts to overthrow the status quo (democracy) in all aspects of life. It will be a hard fight to see them off but at least we will see GGP success soon in mining timescales.
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Rotherby »

It is the right decision Bamps

This site allows all the information on a part of the great subject of Greatland to be stored in a location and collected there.

It may be that some on these location get cleaned/tidied once in a while.

Havieron has not expanded a lot and is now a set of different areas both in the ore body and the superstructure/facilities.

Lets hope the other tenements' need an equal amount of space.

The Chat part of this site has not took off pehaps we need discussion area which can remove LSE for all
With GGP for the long term, for my Children, Grand Children and the Great Grand Children, put simply the Tribe
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by SandyRM »

Just wanted to agree with all the praise attributed to Bamps
I am one of his Disciples from the days of TW.
And LSE web site will be a lesser place without him.

Please keep up you great research, I will now read it here.

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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Acechaser »

Bamps just to let you know I got your post re aquafier/water issues etc and once again thank you. RU sure you can not make the southend meet on April 4.
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Hi Ace
Would like to come to Southend but long way from here . Real reason I may tell you when I see you. 🙁
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by speedymeadie »

Hi Bamps. Thanks for your valued input, please keep it up. As for you not being allowed into Southend ( for some undisclosed reason) may i point out the the meet is not really in Southend but comes under Rochford and have no extradition treaty with Southend so you would be safe. ATB Speedy
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

very deep
Beautiful vertical shape
High grade
Grades increase at depth
6% dilution
88% au recovery rate
84% cu recovery rate
Boundaries still expanding
85% conversion resource to reserve
Multi commodity
Plant already built
Life of Mine increasing for decades
20-30moz possibly more
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Just picked out a few historical drill results in the NW corner of Blackhills.

Greatland Golds primary objective is to locate, identify and prove up Tier 1 assets.

These historical drill results are normal finds on a lot of gold targets but they do not meet the company objectives
In time they might come back to it.

Now just compare these results to the Minyari latest
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Change tack for a minute.
Let’s take step back and look what’s happening.
We have a PFS for a starter mine, that phrase is important.
We are now waiting for a 50% increase to this starter Mine in a Feasibility Study.
This will to use the existing decline and trucking ore to surface.
We know they’ve delayed the FS for improvements, my guess is they will try and get more out by trucks by whatever means.
Next March they will be bringing ore to surface but it will be stockpiled, mineralogists will be all over it trying to find the optimal processing procedure,getting some of this ore as samples to Telfer.

What comes next is so like writing a novel
We have the brief
We are waiting for the detailed notes
Then rough draft
First draft
Final print.

So soon after the FS we are likely to see some major revisions on grades, size, mineralogy and new updated mining plan.
I can’t see cobalt being retrieved from the top zone.
Nickel I believe will come from the EB and this is where the cobalt could come from.
That leaves the Moly that Sherry was on about.
“A new Moly plant at Telfer”
Looks on the cards.
A copy of the design at the Cadia one.
AISC neutral
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Asset update
1st April 2023
An early stage mining development with Decline infrastructure progressing.
1500m progress of Decline plus 300m of ancillary works as at 9th March likely to be a further 100m by todays date.
An ore body that keeps on expanding with increasing grades. 30% owned .
Potential tier 1 resource 6.5moz equivalent likely to be a min of a 50% increase by the new MRE in August.
Talk of Molybdenum by NCM very encouraging normally found in copper sulphides.

Juri joint venture 

Paterson Range East
Search for a tier 1 anomaly continues with Tama and A9 producing no significant results.
Extensive geochemistry surveys carried out in 2022.
New models being formulated for future programmes from recent geochemistry surveys to the NW of Henrietta, the one to the NE may be too deep.


An exciting area where the nuggets were found in 2018
Saddlereef and Saddlereef South are promising targets. Firstly a reef like prospect similar in nature to Telfer and further south a dipping ore body about 250 wide 60 m thick by 2km long.
Over 250 historical drills on BH have had gold in their drilling logs.
A27 target has been diamond drilled and a suite of pathfinder minerals have been reported in the logs.
Modelling is being updated.


A large licence 100% wholly owned by Greatland.
2022 assay results have located 8 conductors around the Swan area and RC drilling has been carried out for collars to future diamond drilling.

Pearl has had one of these diamond drilled and significant results obtained but needs redrilling to explain water ingress looks like a supergene target especially with that high silver intercept. 
7 drills still to be Diamond drilled in 2023 unless they decide to keep drilling Pearl.

The road between Telfer and Havieron is proposed to go through Scallywag, works to commence this year.
Environmental studies have been carried out on the proposed route and caused some deviations.

Ernest Giles

A very long arching licence if compared to the M25 would go 2/3rds the way round.
In a greenstone area renowned for its goldfields, much older rocks than Havieron.
Suggested to have 2x 5m gold targets with numerous 1m camp style targets.
Relinquished 2 licences and have reapplied for Wishbone and Maple but not reapplied for Carnegie in the centre which reportedly had the nickel.
Government funding of $180,000 agreed for drilling Meadows , still waiting on approvals
hopefully will be drilled in 2023.

A very large area containing 3 licences with 2 distinct type of targets?In the NW a 6.5km long gold anomaly following a river bed and fault line.
The bulk of the licence contains possibly a very large cobalt anomaly maybe the largest in Western Australia or Australia itself.
Ggp suggesting nickel is there as well .
Nickel deposit identified by Thor mining straddles the eastern border of Panorama .
Shaun remarked they were looking at 12 new nickel targets from the latest aero survey.
Surrounding licences suggests there could be lithium especially to the North in the Split Rock suite of granites.
Westar licence to the West are targeting a gold/cobalt target along the western boundary of Panorama .

Corunna Down
A new licence has been applied for results are due soon to the east side of Thor’s licence adjacent Panorama.
It’s on the Fortescue Group rock formation renowned in the area for its mineralogy, Thors gold and copper field is adjacent Corunna with the same geology running in to it.
Very difficult terrain though to access.

Two long licences running NW-SE in the SW of Western Australia close to a nickel area.
A few drills have been done by Ggp and further modelling has found the sources of surveys near to where the drills were deployed.
Mainly a Nickel/gold target with MMI survey readings of 2670ppm.
Infrastructure runs close to the southern end of the licence road, water, electric etc?Licence renewal expected.
Galileo mining in the NW border have success with nickel,cobalt, copper and PGE

Rudall and Canning
Rudall is a large licence to the SE of Havieron with one Bullseye target anomaly possibly twice the size of Havieron.
Government funding agreed for drilling Rudall and 2 pads constructed .
Drilled late 2022 1 drill result is due shortly

Canning is way to the SE of Havieron but is in the same belt that runs from Port Headland to Musgrave mines and on to Olympic dam area.?Canning has 4 licences 2 of which contain Tabletop 1 and Tabletop 2 very exciting bullseye features , strong coincidence of the gravity and magnetic anomalies.
Historical reports by geoscientists suggest drilling of Tabletop 2 first down to at least 800-1000m.
If they’re big enough infrastructure will not be an issue.

A new licence to the west of Havieron and SE of Telfer
Ggp seem to think the previous owners didn’t look deep enough.
One target is a bullseye feature similar in nature to Havieron that’s Pascalle itself which has a fault line through the middle of it.
A long NW trending licence with half a dozen targets Ggp are saying the targets need deeper investigation.
Plans to drill Pascalle last year did not happen expected in this years drilling

Is a new licence won in last years ballot attached to the north of Blackhills situated over a granite area, could be the source of Blackhills

Oak ridge
Is another large licence obtained in a ballot last year not far from the Winu licence and airport.
There is a bullseye anomaly suggested as containing gold and silver.
Sits to the south of the Rio / Antipa joint venture.

Citadell Hill
A licence still in the ballot with Fortescue.
A long trending NW-SE structure north of the Citadell joint venture.
Looks very interesting as early stage exploration by St George’s mining have found anomalies to the NW on the same trend (I’ve posted a thread on it in new licences on Ggpchat ... 4f82a9cc62
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by theSGD »

great summary Bamps, thank you for putting in the work.

from your research which is the license (probably other than Havieron) that you are most excited about?
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

On exploration progress it has to be Blackhills, the historic drilling has found anomalous gold on 2/3rds the licence.
Then Scallywag those last results look quite exciting at Pearl.

From my own research Panorama looks really exciting and now with Corunna Down next to it.
Ernest Giles is also a great prospect and why I invested in first place

Rudall drill results (if they’ve found anything) look exciting

Tabletop2 looks really impressive

Juries out on PRE they haven’t found another tier 1 yet , question is will Newcrest carry on with it. They’ve pulled out of jv with Antipa at Pac-Man adjoining the NE boundary.
Callum though was still very keen on Goliath when I met him.
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by theSGD »

Bamps21 wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 12:00 pm On exploration progress it has to be Blackhills, the historic drilling has found anomalous gold on 2/3rds the licence.
Then Scallywag those last results look quite exciting at Pearl.

From my own research Panorama looks really exciting and now with Corunna Down next to it.
Ernest Giles is also a great prospect and why I invested in first place

Rudall drill results (if they’ve found anything) look exciting

Tabletop2 looks really impressive

Juries out on PRE they haven’t found another tier 1 yet , question is will Newcrest carry on with it. They’ve pulled out of jv with Antipa at Pac-Man adjoining the NE boundary.
Callum though was still very keen on Goliath when I met him.
cards on the table, i am very ignorant regarding the mining industry, i work in the electricity distribution industry and my investment in mining is from the understanding that to meet net zero more will need to be extracted from the ground over the next 25-30 years than has been mined in the entirety of human history.... so marginal deposits suddenly become very profitable and i envision governments putting pressure on any miners that are sitting on deposits but not progressing them coming under huge pressure to do so.

is there a risk that with fingers in many pies GGP may not be concentrating on progressing those with the most promise or are we (GGP) sitting on just about the right (or even too little) areas of interest?
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

They looked stretched from our point of view but we don’t exactly know where and what they are working on at the moment.
They have offloaded 2 of the licences in Tasmania.
They did extensive surveys on PRE, Scallywag which can be found on the latest RNS and hints they’ve been working on Panorama,Bromus and Pascalle
Waiting for native clearance is frustrating but necessary on Ernest Giles.
I’ve no issue with the amount of work being carried out.
If I was invested in Antipa I would be concerned, huge licences to keep funding
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Looking forward hopefully for another chat with Liam
Friday morning 10am live on Ggphelp you tube channel
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

Sorry couldn’t resist
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Re: Bamps posts

Post by Bamps21 »

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