Drilling results in early December
This section is deceiving I didn’t have time to go through it thoroughly in my presentation at Stroud
This is line S2 which can be found on the plan above looking northwesterly.
The level on the bottom right shows 3500RL
That is a reduced level from the Australian National Bench mark level of 5,000 metres.
In the UK we have the Ordnance survey benchmark of 0 metres.
Anyway 3,500RL is just above the bottom of the ore body .
The top of the orebody is at 4850RL
A distance of 1350m depth of ore.
You can see though there is another intercept beneath this and there are others beneath this depth.
The yellow blob at the bottom has been drawn from information received from surveys such as the aero magnetic survey.
As this passes over it doesn’t pick up the bottom accurately and forms a rounded base feature as shown here.
The yellow is indicating crackle breccia, they know this from similar readings higher up, but it’s not necessarily weak grade crackle it needs to be drill tested and more than likely at these depths it will turn into cemented or actinolite breccia which is higher grades when information is obtained from the drills.
The 2 blue drill lines were awaiting assays, you can see from this they’ve been drilling to fill gaps in their information.
You can also see the Dyke on this sloping to the SE, that’s around 300m out of vertical and it will be coming up from the lower fault line.
The purple sulphides seem to finish around the 1050m depth of ore, but you have to stop and think hang on these sulphides came up not down, they just wouldn’t come from nowhere, they will continue downwards.
I believe these drills are looking for the high grade sulphides intrusion which will be more or less following that line of the Dyke and on into the fault maybe 3km down or more and much further east.