Growth of Havieron

Mine, and decline specific questions - Opens in July
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

How far NW can Havieron grow?
Hac9503 drill is an historical drill from 1995
From the historical report 2003

“That’s quite interesting about 9503 gold was weakly anomalous from 434-462.
Now 462m length at 75 degrees gives a vertical depth of 446m.
The heading was NW away from Lake Havieron
That’s 16m into the basement.
That’s 120m away NW of the pad position.”

So just drilled into the basement and found weak anomalous gold that’s way out from the latest plans in the RNS

The chances of this growing under lake Havieron look very promising
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

The analytical reports for 9503
You can see the different elements in this drill these are basically background levels apart from the gold, sulphur, cobalt and molyb but all low volumes
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

I hope Strudel doesn’t mind but this is the latest Strudelsat 🤣
You need to put that together with the bore hole plan I just posted.
I believe this is targeting the link zone deep down extending possibly Had 113, 53 and 54
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

This plan shows 53 and 54 I’m not sure which new pad they’re on
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by strudel »

Strudel will mind when it is pointed out that what I think is a drill pad is actually a bit of soggy desert drying out....

It may also be slightly east of previous drilling.....

Of the two previous nearby drills the first stays quite shallow and goes into the south side of the tip of the fat bit of south east crescent and does not appear to have found any really high grade stuff; the other goes deep down with three or four wedge drills, splitting into seperate directions about 700m down, on the north side of the crescent, but still inside it......

After "flying down" the drill the Inventum 3d stops and doesn't let you go any deeper so it is hard to see what the target area lower down may be.
Read on, the next poster will cover it all better....
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Hi Strudel
53 and 54 certainly found stuff
53 found mineralisation above the northern corridor in weak crackle/cemented breccia
54 wedges had some stunning lengths all around the 2g/t of 197m 166m and 188m forming the northern corridor
113 was also in the top 200m of ore
40 & 41 didn’t get through the cover sequence
Results from April to Jul 2020
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Paddy just worked out that the pad in question is 53 and 88

88 went south and looks like just poked into the ore by 140m
I would doubt it’s this one.

53 looks more likely but it’s too close to get to the link zone it may divert off into the top of the EB where I’ve shown that arrow.
It’s too close to the EB to go to deep
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

The latest image from Newcrest in the SE end of the ore body.
The image I marked up around “ A” is from drill 90 results Oct 21 this complemented my theory of a lower ovoid.
Drill 90 at the time was our deepest drill and is still way deeper than the later higher grade pods in the Eastern Breccia.
Filling in the gap zone now called the link zone is pushing the ore body out towards these intercepts.

It’s looking like the intrusions forming Havieron are coming from this zone in my opinion and the Dyke and mineralisation is still dipping down to the SE.
The green line on the latest plan is still not correct at deeper levels it’s more to the SE following the ore, it would be more confusing if they had drawn it in though
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

This shows those 2 previous images overlaid.
Newcrest are outside of my lower ovoid theory although it says alteration limits these limits have been growing and replaced by high grade and breccia zones as more information becomes available
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

An undercover geological gem.
Luck or superb knowledge in striking the sulphides in HAD005.
First couple of metres had 10% copper that’s a dream of a find.
The copper sulphides consist mainly of chalcopyrites and are super rich in its mineralisation, consisting mainly of copper but high in gold grades as well.
The beauty of this ore body is its compact verticality enabling the economics of it to be very viable.
Recent drilling has identified these sulphides as getting richer the further they go down and larger exploration rigs are required to explore these deeper zones below 1400m from surface.
There is also cobalt in amongst these sulphides but this may not be viable from these sulphides.
Molybdenum though is said to be in these sulphides, now that can be obtained from this mineralogy.
Finding Molybdenum in the top of the ore could be a game changer, it will require a Moly plant to be built at Telfer though.
Cadia’s Molybdenum plant reduces Cadias AISC right down to between $0-100 and has paid for itself in the first year.
Tellurium and Tungsten are also evident in and around the crescent zone.
Gervais Heddle quoted this a multi commodity mine.
A multi commodity mine means every truck load to Telfer becomes even more valuable, revenues higher and AISC costs lower

The sulphides are not the end of the geological story as breccia envelops the sulphides and in places have very high grades.
Crackle breccia which is the weakest is present around the edge of the ovoid body and at the top. It’s weak because the original rocks were not moved very much and the cracks around the clasts are tight not letting sulphide intrusions enter them.
Where the cracks widen out the grading increases with more silica entering the cracks here we have cemented breccia.
A third breccia is the actinolite breccia these seems to have intruded the centre of the ovoid from the SE. Here we find diorite sills laiden with rich mineralogy .
Early drilling may have discovered these within the sulphides on the north side, one is about 600m from surface so fairly near the top of the ore 0.3m @ 136g/t
Another one is down around 1300m from surface and has 0.3m @ 637g/t , there are others in the same locality.
These diorites may have changed the viability of the northern corridor from weak bulk cave to high grade selective mining techniques.

The star of the show has to be the Eastern Breccia a high grade bulk caving potential above 2g/t with grades like Drill HAD84 which produced 342m @ 2g/t that’s a tier 1 mine on it’s own.
One thing that is starting to come from the EB is the richness of it’s mineralisation, economic levels of nickel, zinc and moly are being examined, the grades of gold are getting higher as the knowledge goes lower down.

The ore body is still expanding with further drilling and the knowledge of the breccia grades are getting stronger.

Tier 1 mines keep on giving!
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Is this mineralogy at Havieron.
Well according to Sherry of Newcrest it looks as though it is.
It was recorded in the historical logs but only anomalous quantities but Moly is a heavy metal so it wouldn’t be expected to be high at the top.
Molybdenum is normally a bi product of copper and tungsten processing.
It normally comes from copper sulphide ores.
The First ore production at Havieron is mainly all copper sulphides.
In the Northern Front there has been tungsten recorded.

At Cadia they’ve built a new plant to extract moly from the copper concentrate producing a moly concentrate which contains 50% Moly.
That plant is forecast to produce 4.1mlb of moly concentrate
Cadia Moly plant to produce 4.1m lb pa of concentrate

After recovery factors our copper quantity is just under half, so we could produce about 1.8m lbs
Price $74 per kg
1.8mlb = 816,500kg x $74 pa x50%

Let’s hope it’s there seems a huge sum, but Moly has reduced Cadia AISC to nearly $0
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Molybdenum in soils
Normally 1-20ppm ... 8108701752

Lower down in this thread you can find the historical drill logs of Hac9503 where you can see the moly content.
This is shown to be less than 20ppm in the cover.
Hac9503 was drilled from the east towards the orebody but didn’t reach it.
These levels are normal for this soil type in arid conditions.
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Visualising something as big as Havieron is quite mind blowing , so to see how big it is I’ve compared it to Mount Snowdon.
Ben Nevis though is roughly the same height.

Can you imaging Ben Nevis full of gold 🤣
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Aiming2please »

Havieron The Mountan Of Gold

Hope there is a film about it.

Great one Bamps, it’s hard to visualise things sometimes and this puts it into perspective.
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Scottishrugby »

Well as my office looks onto Ben Nevis then that certainly puts the size of the mine into perspective :D
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

Just about to go up a step to stage 4 need the Decline finished
There’s always a but 🤣
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

1 = 4moz(my calcs)
2 = 8.5moz
3 = ?
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by Bamps21 »

From PFS
“Havieron Feasibility Study

The Havieron Feasibility Study is estimated to be completed in the December 2022 Quarter and the study scope is expected to include:

§ Completion of a further infill drilling program by end CY21 to increase the Indicated Mineral Resource base for potential Ore Reserve expansion
§ Completion of the growth drill program immediately below the Crescent Zone for potential Mineral Resource expansion
§ Further investigation and optimisation of the Sub-Level Open Stoping (SLOS) design and sequence, including using any new Indicated Mineral Resources converted from existing Inferred Mineral Resources through current and ongoing drilling that can support production rates of 3Mtpa or higher

§ Initial assessment of future development options with further resource growth in the Northern and Eastern Breccia including evaluation of lower cost bulk mining methods.”

Currently running at 14 months behind original thoughts from the PFS in October 2021.
Only 28 months ago.

Picking through those notes :-
Completion of a further infill drilling programme by end of CY21.
Well that didn’t happen, it was completed Dec 2022.
Because they found far more high grades within the sulphides and in the northern corridor resulting in further infill drilling to define the high grades.

Further investigation and investigation of the SLOS design.
This hasn’t been reported yet by NCM/NEM but has been started by Ggp.
This is a consequence of the orebody and trying to make a SLOS design to obtain more than 3mtpa.
The PFS had a 2mtpa plan on the sulphide area or footprint.
3mtpa needs a bigger area/ footprint.
The top 600m of the ore body is not big enough to have a SLOS design in a chequerboard layout.
To achieve this they need to add in the Northern corridor high grade pods.
This will involve a lot of design planning to achieve an optimum retrieval rate plus a safe working plan.
The delays are probably caused by not wanting to drop the top area in a bulk mine operation which would lead to the cover with 3 aquifers dropping into the mine causing water issues.
SLOS with backfilling will support the top levels, this will mean the whole of the top 600m being a SLOS operation.
I put my thoughts out on this sometime ago suggesting the SLOS will be extended into the northern corridor

The orebody growth and quality has outstripped initial thinking 🤔.
Think big, think bigger, think even bigger. 🤣

That’s the cause to the delay in the FS.
The ore coming out is delayed due to the ground conditions in the aquifer.

Tier 1’s keep on giving 🙂
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Re: Growth of Havieron

Post by GoGreen1 »

Hi Bamps, v interesting and pretty exciting tbh!
Do you know how thick the top, SLOS, zone has to be to enable bulk mining underneath safely? Presume it depends to some degree on the type of rock in situ?
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