Notes from Proactive Interview re SCALLYWAG drill results- 13 Dec 2023

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Notes from Proactive Interview re SCALLYWAG drill results- 13 Dec 2023

Post by DipSard »

Notes from Proactive Interview re SCALLYWAG drill results- 13 Dec 2023

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Just quick notes, a transcript was unavailable to use:

* Update on RNS regarding new Scallywag drill results?
- I think another successful campaign, as you mention this is Scallywag which adjoins the Havieron mining lease, it’s about 100 Sq. km and put about 2500m of drilling into it
- picked up a number of anomalous gold readings, best at that A35, so that was positive for us but then we’re able to follow up with the geophysics and the MT survey (ground magneto-telluric) is really for me the big positive of this announcement and that conductor target that we have is genuinely exciting

* The drill results themselves were a little bit let’s say ‘meat and gravy’ but tell us why you’re excited about the survey work?
- It’s good to hit that anomalous gold and copper, I think the A35 prospect returned the best hits and again that’s kind of consistent with what we want to see from our geological models, that we are encountering areas where there is some gold and copper
- obviously at some point and time we want that to be high grade and economic like Havieron
- but why that MT is.. that outcome… that conductor is the big story is that what we’re trying to do here is zero in on where we think the source of the gold and copper is… and we think that perhaps this ground-based MT survey has helped us do
- so, that’s going to be a high priority target we expect for 2024 and we’re kind of excited for that and that is the story of the announcement

* All understood Shaun, so what are you going to be doing between now and the New Year before 20224, or are you kind of done for now?
- Oh no there’s a… we never rest, so we still remain very committed to getting on the MRE (Havieron Mineral Resource Estimate) update before this December quarter (before End Of Year)
- I know we’re getting late in that quarter but we always said it would be and it’s really important for us to engage with our JV partner and have in independently reviewed
- so, that’s something we continue to be focused on, our intent is unchanged there
- plus, if you recall we did get access to the Ernest Giles (EG) ground, we’ve done a bit of drilling there, we’re really excited about getting those assays back, my expectations that will come through in January or certainly the March quarter next year (within Q1 2024)
- so, that’s a real focus for us plus there’s a lot of planning for the New Year and we’re recalibrating now we’ve got access to EG, now we’ve got some Panorama work to follow up especially around the nickel… and then here of course a new MT opportunity on the Scallywag
- we still like the Juri opportunities but the big one for us in the Paterson remains that South Paterson area, particularly into Strickland and to continue to follow up across a range of Tier 1 targets
- so, lots to do and we’re delighted to have that optionality within the explorations portfolio.
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