This News release today implies that Tembo Capital who just took $50m worth of Greatland gold - but here's the biggie!! - the cash appears to have come from selling their Spartan assets... to Osisko:
Osisko agreed to purchase royalties from Tembo Capital on Spartan’s Dalganranga, acquiring a 1.8% gross royalty, & an additional 1.35% royalty on exploration properties, for US$44m & US$6m respectively (OR.NY) ... 3959c4df68
This is an absolutely fascinating move - because if the two transactions are linked (and it looks suspiciously like they are), THEN they see huge upside in Greatland. Selling a significant, guaranteed proven Royalty over a proven assets with a huge expansion case.. for {high risk} GGP equity ???
well I never ......

But the point is that SPARTAN has been ALSO considered by mining 'experts' to be possibly the finest exploration gold exposure in Australia to date … due to their capacity to develop the high grade NEVER NEVER AND PEPPER = pretty big projects - within the the mining lease of their own existing infrastructure the Dalgarang mill.
Just look at the Spartan Chart since they discovered Never never it up like 1300%
"The Dalgaranga mill is fully-permitted and approvals for future underground mining are in progress, providing a clear path to near-term production. The Project is on the verge of re-starting as one of Western Australia’s next significant high-grade gold mines with first production from underground likely re-commencing within the next 2 years"
This guys is really good news... I personally love it... Been hearing about how much the auzzies loved Spartan but these guys like Greatland even more.
Hold tight Greatlanders because IMO this move smacks bright white of total class for us...
And categorically speaks to the quality of Havieron.