Yesterday the Money of Mine podcast set about gold space M&A…. They picked apart the nos on a hypothetical scenario of Spartan being sold for say $2bn V Hemi/DeGrey being sold at $5bn plus the 1.5bn capex) and come back to what a truly unbelievable deal Greatland got from Newmont.
Listen from 19.30 or a few mins before… for better context…. In fact listen to the lot you won’t be disappointed. So much to learn from these guys!
They pull no punches these guys. They pretty much always call it how it is … What a deal - love it !!!!!!
Greatland paid 17% of what NST paid for Hemi for similar ounces and better grade
“We’re like whoaaa that’s a fecking good deal “
Worth listening back from 17mins for full context… Hemi beats Spartan even at $6.5bn Investment despite Spartans 9g/t resource , and despite its likely 5-6g reserves” (tbc) and much lower capex simply because of scale …. All based on 500koz pa.
This is where grade is alarmingly NOT always king. Scale is king
Sources tell me Havieron is capable of 700-900koz per year… no wonder our DFS is getting delayed for a bulk handling solution
Even when you consider Spartan can be in production by early 2026 and Hemi not till 2029. The overall payback over 12 years Hemi wins hands down!
Which means, eventually, Greatland blows the F lights out …! Slowly but surely the market will realise this.
Exceptional analysis… and It’s really surprising - when I saw that 10g/t resource statement from Spartan I thought like Jesus, that’s amazing. I couldn’t believe when they crunch the numbers how Degrey with its absolutely massive premium whopper biggest undeveloped gold in history pays back more over 12 years and sooner.
Greatland has to be the hands down winner though over time; I mean just the dividends from Havieron could support me for generations!
At 1.5p per share divi (minimum imo based on 5% return on even a 30p share price ) x 4m shares is like £60k per year (inflation linked) for life! Plus - That’s not to mention the potential for organic growth via the drill bit (which is highly possible).
I’m telling yer - one day the bloody doors will actually be blown off