Does the DEV UPDATES topic need to be pinned inside the main board?

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Does the DEV UPDATES topic need to be pinned inside the main board?

Post by lesserevil »

Does the DEV UPDATES topic need to be pinned inside the main board? I understand that admins may wish for people to read the updates but they are available to be seen outside the main board.

When I remember to login (sadly not otherwise) I see the topics sorted on the main board how I want them - with the most recently altered topics at the top. Pinning the DEV UPDATES topic breaks the sort order. DEV UPDATES only one line to look past, but one is enough to confuse at least me.

- Thanks,
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Bottle Rocket - Liam
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Re: Does the DEV UPDATES topic need to be pinned inside the main board?

Post by Bottle Rocket - Liam »

That's the issue, anywhere else, and it won't get read, as bookmarks/ignorance will ensure it is not.

Maybe we can experiment. - we are open to that.
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Re: Does the DEV UPDATES topic need to be pinned inside the main board?

Post by Rotherby »

I do not have a problem as is!
I normally look at "New Posts", then others from the three bars next to the star on RHS, I look/glance at Dev Updates.
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