Power to the PI 💪💪💪

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Power to the PI 💪💪💪

Post by Hydrogen »

So we is STILL holding near enough 80% of GGP guys and gals.... They tried and they failed. 86% up in a month.... on no material news. Cough.

Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 11.20.17.png

However - I am very much looking forward to seeing a Bloomberg print for December, if i can get it.

On this front - some Interesting comments in Liam's recent interview with Shaun: - where he said that "Instos now own almost 1/3rd of GGP..." becuase by my reckoning is he's quite wrong. But if he's right - that's a welcome, huge and most significant news, becuase it means the buying is not Newmont's.

No question; this is certainly very, very different price action since the 'shorting' stopped... sorry the 'selling' stopped.. (despite no major 'size' sellers evident on Bloomberg Terminal - where evidence suggest the major holders were in fact adding) - But Christ on a bike - They have moved this around so much.

Almost Doubled on, 'no material news' - other than Newcrest 'leaving' the building

And as we ALL know, stocks don't double on no news. And then hold like a lump of granite rock! Not on on planet AIM..

A stock does not normally spike 60% and then hold...for a week... Then spike again. NOT Unless, some real big playa is playin'.

Volume isn't even massive today: They and there is a 'they' ... have totally changed the book; and I am firmly of the belief this is / was a huge mass market manipulation event designed to hurt PIs. Lasting well over a year... Specifically ; the fall from 12/13p area to 5.8p especially.

Where's Lurker5, Sharky Bruce, the Gimp lode, Now? Where's that really nasty one Halland75 and Burnt Toast...? They actually got me banned from posting on their 6p thread at ADVFN... https://ibb.co/bQJK04x

Who are these POS slime balls..? And who do they really work for...?

They actively set out to make you feel like a total idiot for holding GGP though, right? That presumably was the plan... Break us down and discredit attack the key PI posters and GGP advocates... Many PIs will have been stopped out at 7p or 6p and are now looking back in total horror.

Well. well done to great and good PIs that didn't capitulate down to 3-4p zone as their 'chartists' were unilaterally 'suggesting'. (Charts are total bollox BTW - IMO - other than short term trading tools or also very, very long term macro trends - like 3-5 years+ ) . Charts don't dictate fundamentals or take overs. They don't dictate price action; they look backwards at it..

Anyhow. Power to the PIs 💪💪💪

I can't wait for the up coming interview with Sandeep Bizwas in his new 'Whistle Blower' role... for Channel 4's new 'Red Dirt' documentary on GGP, ...currently in development. 😂😂😂 😉
Last edited by Hydrogen on Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:12 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Power to the PI 💪💪💪

Post by leslieby101 »

Love it Hydro :D
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Jun 26, 2022 4:49 pm

Re: Power to the PI 💪💪💪

Post by Zelosdan »

Brilliant Hydro

But I would like to say thanks to the shiorters, for allowing me to double my holdings.
I think we will all miss them really.
The entertainment of great wordsmiths, & outright liars.

Thanks for the extra 2m shares guys, without you I couldn't have afforded it. Yes I should of bought more at 0.5p, or even 0.25p when I first noticed it.
But that is hindsight.

Greatland Gold Fields £5+5%
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