Hedge funds are poised and will buy gold and bonds hard very soon
I have seen detail inflation data analysis that shows CPI stays elevated until at least November next year. The market thought inflation would roll over but it hasn't. High embedded inflation, combined with low growth and high rates kills markets…
But critically, the long term correlation between gold and the US$ is now seriously breaking down.
The data attached (courtesy of HedgEye) illustrates the long term correlation with gold and the USD. The further it gets from 1 the more the correlation relationship breaks down and the more the $ loses its relative value and footing to gold.
As you can see, the rate of change of the correlation breakdown is also increasing. The rate of change has increased dramatically over the past 30 days. Make no mistake it's the 'rate of change' that matters here. This provides the spring board for the next gold bull run.
Moving from a long term $/Au correlation average of -0.83 (over 180 days) and a 120 day correlation of -0.93 .... to -0.73 recently, over the past 30 days to just -0.6 on Friday tells you everything you need to know about the relative, magnetic attraction of gold.
Oil is getting less valuable over the long term vs gold which is increasing in value, relative to the US$.
IMO this is critical. Gold is a veblen good.. The more it increases in value the more desirable it becomes... It's an early sign that the market is now absolutely favouring gold over USD$ on a relative basis. And categorical, empirical evidence of strong support for the next Gold break out, after the US dollar rolls over and the US T10 bond rates peak (probably in November 2022)
This is why the US market collapsed on Friday. Investors thought the jobs report could be bad, and that would be good for inflation rolling over and signal the fed pivot.
Not this month I'm afraid. Rates will keep rising until the FED causes a huge recession and then they Pivot, maybe in the spring.
Nothing, literally nothing else, other than gold and bonds are investable in a world of high sticky inflation and no/low/negative growth (recession).
Just in time for DFS and decision to mine.